Leviticus 8:1-36

The Lord had given Moses clear and specific instructions on how Aaron and his sons were to be separated for the office of priest and the ritual that had to be done in order to prepare them for that work which God had set them aside.  It is a very special thing to be set apart for the ministry.  Representing God before the people and the people before God is a task that should never be taken lightly.
AARON WAS GIVEN SPECIAL CLOTHING: As I was reading about all of the special clothing that Aaron was given to wear I could not help but think how unworthy he was of this privilege.  Just a few months prior to this he had led the children of Israel in an idolatrous escapade that ended up costing many men their lives.  God’s grace truly is amazing and I am so thankful for it.  Clearly Aaron did not deserve the position that he was given.  However, it is just as clear that I do not deserve the position in ministry with which God had entrusted me.  All of us are given the honor of serving the Lord by His grace and not by any merit of our own.  God wanted to make it very clear that Aaron and his sons had a very special function in the service of the tabernacle.  This was a special function during a very specific time.  I think it is still very important for us to realize that it is a very special blessing to be involved in the ministry.
AARON OFFERED A SPECIAL SACRIFICE: Moses offered a sacrifice on behalf of Aaron and his sons.  This sacrifice was to make atonement for their sin prior to their being ordained as priests.  I think that it is very obvious to all of us that there is something wrong with this picture.  We have the priest who must offer a sacrifice for his sin and then that same priest makes the sacrifices for the sins of the people.  This was an imperfect and partial solution that was only a way to prefigure that eventual perfect and complete sacrifice of Christ.  There is no way that an animal offered by a sinful priest could pay the price of sin.  However, when the perfect Son of God who came to earth incarnate man offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin; that paid the price of our sin before a holy and just God.  Those of us who serve in the ministry must constantly recognize how important it is that our sins be dealt with through the cross of Christ so that we can be clean instruments in the Master’s hands.
AARON HAD A SPECIAL ORDINATION: After the sacrifice for sin there was another sacrifice of ordination and a seven day waiting period during which time they were all sequestered from the rest of the people.  There were permitted to eat a portion of this sacrifice while they were waiting for the week long ordination to come to a close.  I find it very interesting that the priests were required to spend this long period of time in solitude.   This may have been an opportunity to examine their own hearts for sin, but I believe it was also a very intense time during which they experienced solitude in order to deepen their relationships with God.  This was all very new to many of them, but it was a part of becoming a priest.  All who are in ministry would do well to seek a regular time in which they dedicate themselves to the practice of solitude.  A relationship that is vibrant and intimate with God is a prerequisite for effective ministry.


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