2 Timothy 1:3-7

I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.  As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy.  I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.  For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

It is easy for us to forget many important things especially in the face of difficulty or danger.  Paul is in prison and Timothy is facing difficult times in ministry so there are important reminders that Paul wants to make sure that Timothy understands.  God has given us everything we need to face the difficulties He allows into our lives.  These blessings from God are always available to us as long as we remember them.

REMEMBER THE PEOPLE GOD HAS GIVEN: Prayer is one of the richest blessings God has provided to His children.  Because of prayer, we are never truly alone.  God is always with us and available to us.  Not only can we cry out to God in times of trial, but other are praying to God on our behalf.  Paul wants to remind Timothy that he is praying for him on a regular and mindful basis.  Paul knew Timothy very well and knew how to pray for him specifically.  Paul assures Timothy of the faith he has observed in his life and encourages him to stand firm in that faith.  Paul is a person God had given to Timothy.  God puts friends into our lives to pray for us and remind us of the truths of God’s Word.  God also puts family into our lives to model the Christian walk for us and stand with us as we go through life.  Timothy had a believing grandmother and mother who had demonstrated faith to Timothy while he was growing up.  Timothy’s father was a Gentile who, apparently, was an unbeliever.  Timothy did not come to a genuine faith in Christ until he met Paul as a young man.  However, he had the privilege of watching and being taught by two godly women.  Certainly, these women were also praying for Timothy and the life lessons he had learned from them needed to be remembered.  God has put friends and family in our lives with a purpose.  Not everyone has a godly friend like Paul or a godly mother and grandmother like Eunice and Lois; but He has given us friends and family according to His will.  He has taught us through both positive and negative examples, so it is important that we remember those lessons. 

REMEMBER THE POWER GOD HAS GIVEN: It seems that Timothy has become discouraged in ministry, so Paul reminds him to use the gifts God has given him.  Every believer is indwelt by the Spirit of God and has been empowered with abilities that come from God that are to be used for God’s glory.  There are times when we will neglect to use these gifts of God.  It seems that Timothy is facing this challenge, so Paul reminds him to fan into flame the gift of God in his life.  Fear seems to be the motive behind Timothy’s neglect.  The Roman Empire was beginning to crack down on the Christians who were promoting the worship of Jesus and not Caesar.  The fact that Paul was in prison for preaching Christ had to have been a challenge for Timothy.  However, Timothy was not alone in that challenge.  Paul wants to remind Timothy that the Spirit of God is with him.  God’s Spirit does not give us fear of men or circumstances.  That kind of fear comes as a temptation from Satan, the fallen world around us, and our own sinful hearts.  God’s all-powerful Spirit makes His power, love, and self-control available to us.  We are able to overcome any trial, love any person, and resist any temptation because the Spirit is empowering us to do so.  In the face of persecution, it might be easy to forget these truths.  It is vital that we remember the Spirit’s presence and power that is always available to every believer.

APPLICATION: Be a friend like Paul was to Timothy.  Pray for others and encourage them in the faith.  Thank God for the faithful friends He has put in our lives and remember the lessons God has taught us through them.  Know that God has given us the family we have for a reason so remember what God has done and is doing through their lives in us.  Identify the Spiritual gift God has entrusted to us.  Use that gift to the best of our ability for the glory of God.  Remember the Spirit indwells us and helps us to overcome fear with His power, love, and self-control.


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