1 Timothy 6:2-5

Teach and urge these things.  If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.

A minister of the Gospel must be committed to teaching the truth because false teachers are not.  The reason they are called false teachers is because they reject Christ and His teachings.  One of the greatest difficulties and dangers in ministry is dealing with the impact and influence of false teachers.  Paul calls Timothy to be dedicated, persistent and courageous in performing this all-important task of confronting these evil men.  In this passage, he describes these false teachers in no uncertain terms.

FALSE TEACHERS ARE CONTRADICTORY: By definition, a false teacher will contradict the truth.  They teach a doctrine that is different from the teaching of Scripture.  They turn from the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Ministers of the Gospel are commissioned to teach the truth, defend the truth, and stand up to false teachers.  There is an urgency to call people to commit to the truth of the Word of God and to follow the teachings of Christ.  Those who contradict these things must be silenced in the church and confronted with the truth in hopes that they will understand and repent.

FALSE TEACHERS ARE CONCEITED: Unfortunately, false teachers are not only wrong in their believes and teachings, but they are proud of it.  There are really only two types of teaching: true and false.  There are really only two types of religion: God centered, and man centered.  Obviously, one of the errors of false teachings is that they will be focused on man.  One of the byproducts of man-centered teaching is pride.  The purpose of life is the glory of God.  False teachers will promote their own glory and be conceited in their posture before both God and man.

FALSE TEACHERS ARE CONTENTIOUS: Controversy and division will always stand in the wake of false teachers.  God calls us to love one another and unite around the truth of Scripture in our worship of the Lord Jesus.  One of Satan’s strategies is to divide the church as a means of distracting us from the mission that God has given us.  If we are so busy fighting one another, we will do little to reach the world in which we live.  When we begin to argue about deep theological words and make debating the focus of our ministry, we take on the characteristics of false teachers.  We will have some disconnects as we finite creatures strive to comprehend an infinite God.  These debates must not be our focus.

FALSE TEACHERS ARE CONTEMPTABLE: Paul describes these false teachers as contemptable because they have depraved minds, and they are deprived of the truth.  They see the glorious Church for which Christ gave His life as an opportunity to exploit for their own personal gain.  It is contemptable to exalt oneself over God and exploit the followers of Christ to become wealthy or famous.  God calls us to be His servants, to deny self, and to follow Him in bearing suffering to advance the cause of Christ.  If we are truly followers of Christ we will love one another in humility, grace, and simplicity while being fully committed to the truth of God’s Word and the glory of God.

APPLICATION: Love the Word of God and live according to the truth.  Walk humbly with God and for the glory of God.  Serve others in a spirit of love and unity instead of being divisive, subversive, and contentious.  Don’t allow the Gospel to become a means for simply making money or gaining popularity.  Suffer and serve in the promotion of God’s glory.


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