2 Timothy 2:1-7

You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.  Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.  No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.  An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.  It is the hard-working farmer who ought to have the first share of the crops.  Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.

Transitions in ministries are critical times for the organization, the outgoing minister, and the incoming minister.  Paul is preparing Timothy to carry on the mission to the Gentiles that Paul had started.  This “passing of the baton” must be done carefully and intentionally.  This entire letter is meant to be instructions for Timothy to remember as he prepares to continue in ministry without Paul’s oversight.

BE DEPENDENT UPON GOD: Faithfulness in ministry requires strength and fortitude.  Too often, ministers will trust their experience, education, intelligence, eloquence, or effort.  While all those things can be helpful in ministry; they are not adequate because they can all be mustered in the power of the flesh.  The strength necessary for successful ministry comes from God.  He is the only One that has the power to change lives.  He is the source of all the gifts necessary to do the work of the ministry.  This ability to do ministry is not granted because of our own merit; it comes only by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Faithful ministers must depend on the Lord as their source of strength and wisdom.

BE A DISCIPLER OF OTHERS: The basic job description of any minister is to make disciples.  The curriculum of discipleship has already been established.  Timothy does not need to develop a method or model of making disciples and he does not need to create content.  He is simply to repeat the truths that have already been established by Paul’s public ministry and writings.  The targets of discipleship are the faithful people.  Too often ministers spend great amounts of time and energy correcting and convincing the unfaithful.  Those who are constantly rebelling against biblical standards or questioning the authorities God has established will drain the vitality out of any minister.  Unfortunately, this distracting work of disciplining the unfaithful prevents the vital work of discipling the faithful.  The objective of discipleship is multiplication.  Those in whom we invest must understand the importance of investing in others who will, in turn, invest in others.  Multiplication through evangelism and faithful discipleship is the key to being able to accomplish the mission of God to bless all nations with the privilege of worshiping Him.    

BE DEDICATED LIKE A SOLDIER:  The first thing a soldier learns is to promote solidarity.  Nobody goes into battle alone.  Ministers must understand the importance of working as a team and not take on a “Lone Ranger” mentality.  Paul calls Timothy to participate with him in the battle.  Soldiers must also be prepared to suffer.  They work long hours in dangerous places and are willing to be injured, taken captive, and even die if necessary for the defense of their country.  The unreached nations of this world are almost all in difficult and dangerous places.  Taking the Gospel to these people will require suffering.  Comfort and security are luxuries that few soldiers experience so ministers should not expect them.  Soldiers must practice submission.  They don’t set their own agenda; they follow the orders of their superior officers without question or hesitation.  Our orders come from the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and His authority is unparalleled.  Ministers must learn to work together, be willing to suffer, and respect the authority of the Lord, the Scriptures, and those the Lord establishes over them. 

BE DISCIPLINED LIKE AND ATHLETE: An athlete must learn to say “no” to his body and “yes” to the rules of the competition.  A marathon runner’s body is constantly crying out for rest, water, and relief.  The feet hurt, lungs burn, hands go numb, mouth gets parched, knees ache, and head throbs.  The body cries out: “STOP.”  Eventually rationalization starts setting in and the runner thinks about ways to take a “shortcut” to keep up with the other runners.  However, in athletics, shortcuts lead to penalties or even disqualification.  As ministers our bodies will cry out for pleasures that will disqualify us from ministry.  We must learn to say “NO” to our bodies and be disciplined in our actions and attitudes so we can be qualified to win the prize that God has promised to those who faithfully serve Him.

BE DETERMINED LKE A FARMER: Paul says two things about the farmer: he works hard, and he has the first share of the crop.  There are three basic laws of the harvest: you reap what you sow, you reap more than you sow, and you reap after you sow.  Farmers work very hard for a long time before they enjoy the fruits of their labor.  They till the soil, put nutrients in the soil, invest in costly seed, carefully plant those precious seeds, irrigate the soil, constantly fight off weeds, and strive to prevent the attack of pests and predators all before they have any hope of bringing in a harvest.  Working with people is not dissimilar.  There will be setbacks and disappointments along the way.  Even faithful men will be unfaithful at times.  Ministers who expect immediate and immaculate results will quickly become discouraged.  Determinations through the ups and downs of the seasons of life is vital to success in ministry.

APPLICATION: Look to the grace of our Lord as our source of strength.  Invest the seed of God’s Word in the lives of faithful men who have the potential to invest in others.  Be prepared for and willing to face persecution as we proclaim the Gospel around our neighborhoods and the nations.  Maintain integrity and purity in our attitudes and actions.  Be patient as we work hard for the results of seeing people be transformed for the glory of God.


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