1 Timothy 6:20-21

O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith.

Paul concludes his letter to Timothy summarizing two important principles that we would all do well to remember.  In life and ministry there are convictions to which we must hold no matter the cost, but there are also controversies we need to avoid.  Unfortunately, it can be difficult to discern between the two.  The people around us may be far more concerned with the controversy of the moment than the fundamental convictions of the faith.  As leaders, we must be able to distinguish between the two and help those entrusted to our care to be able to tell the difference. 

HANG ON TO TRUE CONVICTIONS: Paul gave Timothy, and us, many truths that were to guide and inform his life and ministry.  These truths are vital and must be both retained and defended.  Ministry in a fallen world is busy, confusing, misunderstood, and just plain difficult.  Life’s occupations can distract us from the need to drink deep from the Word of God.  We cannot allow the confusing voices all around us to discourage or distract us from the ministry of God’s Word to which we are called.  People all around us may pervert the truth or claim that there is no such thing as truth, but we must hold fast to these truths and guard them against such attacks. Ministers of the Gospel must be dispensers and defenders of truth with full conviction. 

HEAVE OFF FOOLISH CONTROVERSIES: One of the enemies most effective tools is distraction.  Paul calls it irreverent babble and contradictions masquerading as knowledge.  Confusion, misdirection, controversy, and doubt are all tools of the enemy that can derail effective ministry.  Unfortunately, this has caused many to walk away from the faith.  Humility and focus are necessary.  We must be able to discern which battles to engage in and which battles will simply be a waste of time.  By engaging is certain debates we unwittingly lend credence to them.

APPLICATION: Love the Word of God and cling to our convictions that are based on God’s Word.  Confront those who do not obey or teach according to the truth.  Don’t be distracted from dispensing truth by debating those who are committed to lies.


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