1 Timothy 6:17-19

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.  They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

Once again, we see the importance of money and our attitudes and actions surrounding money coming into play.  We have seen the dangers that the love of money can produce.  However, money is not evil or sinful.  It is a blessing from God that we are to steward for God’s glory and the benefit of the kingdom of God.  There are at least three important principles we can learn from this passage.  

MONEY COMES FROM GOD: Paul tells Timothy that is one of his jobs to instruct those who are rich about their attitudes towards and use of money.  Ministers who are fulfilling their duties must faithfully address this subject even if it is unpopular.  We are not called to be popular, but biblical.  Unfortunately, very few people consider that this passage is speaking to them because they don’t consider themselves to be “rich.”  The reality is that most of us who have an abundance of food, clothing, comfortable housing, motorized transportation, refrigeration, phones, computers, cash on hand, and a back account should consider ourselves to be rich.  There are billions of people around the world that have any of these things, much less all of them.  So… since we are rich, we are instructed to guard our hearts from pride, not trust in our riches, recognize our dependence upon the Lord, and be thankful for His provision.  There is nothing wrong with having all the things listed above and more.  Our sinfulness appears when these things become the purpose of our lives, or when they distract us from serving the Lord, or when we act as if they are our rights instead of blessings, or when we complain because we don’t have more.  These are all blessings from God that we are to enjoy with grateful hearts that humbly recognize God as our faithful and generous Provider.

MONEY SHOULD BE SHARED: Once we recognize that our material blessing come from God and thus belong to God; generosity becomes a natural result.  Money can facilitate all kinds of sinful or even trivial activities that lead us to lives of immorality and insignificance.  God does not want us to live that way.  The resources He provides should spur us on to lives of submissive obedience towards Him, and good works towards others.  He wants to provide for others through us as He has provided for us.  We are called to emulate Him and His character of love and generosity.  Money should be used to bring glory to God, further His kingdom, and help those who are in need.  God’s generosity to us should result in our generosity to others.

MONEY HAS ETERNAL IMPLICATIONS: When we use the blessings of God as motivations for holiness and generosity; we will reap eternal rewards.  We cannot take riches and wealth from this world to our eternal dwelling on the New Earth.  We can, however, store up treasures and a solid foundation for that glorious future.  It is not fully clear what our eternal reward will be, but it is clear that they will come from the Lord so we know that they will be worth far more than the passing pleasures of this earth.  The reality is that a life of obedience and generosity is far more enjoyable now and will give us eternal rewards on top of all that.  Living for ourselves will only bring sorrow, guilt, anxiety, and broken relationships on earth and loss of rewards for eternity.  The choice should be clear.

APPLICATION: Be faithful to exhort one another to use our resources for the glory of God.  Recognize and be thankful for the blessings God has faithfully lavished upon us.  Don’t trust in self or allow our possessions to cause pride in our lives.  Share our wealth generously and obediently live to spread the fame of Jesus in the nations and serve the people God places in our paths.  Live for the eternal rewards God has promised and not the temporal pleasures this world offers to distract us from the life God wants us to live.


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