2 Timothy 2:8-13
Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. But the word of God is not bound! Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.
The Gospel is a glorious truth that allows us to live a life of hope in the midst of a sinful and suffering world. The reason ministers should be like soldiers, athletes, and farmers is the Gospel. Paul has just finished exhorting Timothy to be a faithful minister of the Gospel and now he points to the Gospel as the motive behind this kind of living. He also points to himself as an example the is worthy of emulation. Finally, Paul points to the eternal rewards associated with suffering for the sake of proclaiming Christ. This passage points to three motives for faithfulness in ministry: the Gospel, Paul’s example, and eternal rewards.
REMEMBER THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST: The love of our Lord Jesus who willingly took on flesh to become a man so He could suffer and die to save us from our sin is both our message in and motive for ministry. This truth of the Gospel that God accepted Christ’s payment for our sin and proved it by raising Him from the dead should be an anchor that keeps us steadfast in the face of suffering. In the face of the pressures and even sufferings of our daily lives it is easy for us to turn inward. We must always keep our eyes focused on the Lord and remember the glorious Gospel that has brought us eternal hope through forgiveness of sin.
SUFFER FOR THE SALVATION OF OTHERS: The Gospel is not for us alone but is for the nations. Paul was imprisoned and chained like a criminal for having proclaimed the Gospel. However, he considered it worth it all because of the advancement of the Gospel. If Paul being bound meant that the Gospel would move forward in some way, Paul was more than willing to pay that price. Cooperating in any way with God’s mission to bring glory to Himself by saving people from all nations is a privilege beyond compare. His eternal glory is beyond compare and thrusts light into the darkest crevices of our hearts that we might rejoice in experiencing His glory. This truth should motivate us in the face of any suffering we might be called to face.
RECEIVE THE REWARDS FROM THE LORD: The Gospel not only provides forgiveness of sin and gives us a mission to accomplish on earth; it promises us eternal rewards. We will live with the Lord forever if we have been associated with His death through faith. To enjoy His presence is a glory we can only imagine but cannot truly fathom. We will not just be “sitting around” soaking in the glories of a mystical place floating of clouds; but we will be reigning with Jesus over the New Earth. However, if we deny Christ there will be consequences such as losing rewards and positioning in the kingdom. Our salvation is secure in Christ, but our faithfulness or lack thereof has eternal ramifications. God’s faithfulness and mission is not dependent upon us. It is our privilege to be able to serve Him and He is exceedingly generous and gracious to reward us for that which He accomplishes in and through us.
APPLICATION: Don’t allow the pace of life to cause us to forget the glory of the resurrection of Jesus and the Gospel that has rescued us from sin and death. Boldly proclaim the Gospel to others and trust that the Lord is using even our own sufferings to promote His glory in the nations. Anticipate the glories of eternal rewards and use them as motivations for faithfulness.
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