2 Timothy 2:14-19

Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers.  Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.  But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness, and their talk will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have swerved from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already happened. They are upsetting the faith of some.  But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.”

The ministry requires the use of words.  Unfortunately, words often do more harm than good.  Some use words to tear others down or to spread false teachings.  We can combat this by promoting the inspired Word of God and allow Scripture to be the main source of our speech.  One of the main jobs of those who are called to lead ministries is to confront those who are misusing their words and then point everyone to the truth of God’s Word.

FIGHTING WORDS: The mission God has given us is to make disciples in all nations.  Unfortunately, we often spend too much time fighting against one another instead of advancing the Gospel to those who have never heard.  We need to understand that theology is complicated because it is finite humans striving to understand and describe an infinite God.  The only thing we have that can be used to describe God are our words.  The languages we use, and our knowledge of these languages are limited.  The one thing that we should all agree upon is that all of us have theological inadequacies.  None of us have a complete understanding about God and none of our theological “boxes” are adequate to contain Him.  Humility is a prerequisite to the study of Theology.  It is inevitable that we will have different understandings of theology, but these differences should be handled with grace, love, and peace.  Our testimony before a lost world is at stake.  Our fighting words bring ruin to those who hear them.

FAITHFUL WORDS: The approval of men is not what we seek or desire.  We should seek the approval of God.  He has revealed the truth about Himself and about us in His Word.  We are called to study the Scriptures diligently and honestly but must do so with a humble heart.  Too often, students of the Bible study with unbiblical attitudes.  If we claim to know the Scriptures, it is shameful when we don’t obey them.  The study of God’s Word requires hard work, patience, and a humble desire to learn.  God approves of those who dedicate themselves to knowing and trusting Him and then respond to that knowledge in loving obedience.  Anyone who studies God’s Word and responds with pride should be ashamed.

FALSIFIED WORDS: Unfortunately, many who claim to study Scripture fail to fear the Lord and end up causing shame and disgrace to the cause of Christ.  They talk endlessly about their own accomplishments instead of the glory of Christ.  This man centered theology may be popular and attract many followers, but its impact is devastating.  It will spread quickly throughout the body of Christ and cause damage wherever it goes. Hymenaeus and Philetus are sited as examples of false teachers who were making a false claim about the resurrection of men having already taken place.  When false teachers claim that prophecy has already taken place, it can be destructive to the faith of immature believers who have not studied Scripture deeply.    

FOUNDATIOAL WORDS: God’s Word stands secure and is based on the firm foundation of God’s boundless knowledge.  Scripture provides us with a foundation that is unshakable and secure.  There are two foundational truths that should provide comfort and security to all believers.  The first is that God knows those who are His.  True believers do not need to worry about “missing” the resurrection.  God is faithful and He is in control of all that happens in our lives and the circumstances of the world.  The second is that all true believers will depart from iniquity.  Salvation is the supernatural work of God in the heart of man.  He calls people to Himself and the impact on their lives is unmistakable.  True knowledge of God will always lead to holiness.    

APPLICATION: Don’t fight about obscure or secondary theological positions.  Study God’s Word with diligence out of a desire to know and obey God.  Beware of false teachers who seek to promote themselves or divisive doctrines.  Stand firm in the fear of the Lord and cooperate with His life transforming mission.


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