2 Chronicles 18:1-34

Him to fit into the desires of our own hearts.

AHAB AND JEHOSHAPHAT COOPERATE WITH ONE ANOTHER: There is a huge contrast between the Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah and Ahab, the king of Israel.  Jehoshaphat has been greatly blessed by God because of his attention to the Word of God and his courage to obey the Lord.  Ahab has rejected God’s Word and has been constantly chastised by God, yet he refuses to turn from his wicked ways.  Despite this fact they make an alliance with one another through marriage and Jehoshaphat agrees to go with Ahab into war with the Syrians.  I have to think that this was a failure on the part of Jehoshaphat as I cannot imagine the Lord blessing any type of alliance with this wicked king.  However, this does seem to be part of the Lord’s plan as He is able to use the sins of men to accomplish His will.

AHAB AND THE PROPHETS MANIPULATE THE TRUTH: Jehoshaphat’s first concern with the plan to go to war is if the Lord will bless this effort.  Ahab brings 400 prophets that all bless the plan to go into battle; however, Jehoshaphat clearly seas that these are not prophets of the Lord and asks to inquire from a prophet of God.  Micaiah is called upon but warned to agree with what the other prophets say.  When Micaiah reveals the truth that God is planning to kill Ahab as a result of this war he is put into prison.  Too often we go to the Word of God or seek counsel from others simply for the purpose of getting confirmation for what we have already determined what we want to do.  We manipulate the Scriptures and we become angry and anyone who might disagree with what we have decided we already want to do.  We must learn to seek the Word of God or counsel from the servants of God with open and obedient hearts that are pliable to what He teaches us.

GOD AND THE SYRIANS ASSASSINATE AHAB: Despite Michaiah’s warning Ahab insists on going into battle and ends up convincing Jehoshaphat to wear his kingly robes while he disguises himself.  I honestly do not know what Jehoshaphat was thinking but he appears to be confident that his life is in the hands of the Lord.  God is clearly in control of this battle and seems to have the army of Syria firmly under His control as they Syrians make the death of Ahab their only goal.  The army does not go after Jehoshaphat and they cannot find Ahab due to his disguise but a random arrow just happens to find a seem in Ahab’s armor and he is killed just as God had promised he would be.  It is God’s prerogative to establish kingdoms as well as tear them down.  We can certainly rest assured of His sovereign control over the events of this world.


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