Introduction to Ruth

There are times in Scripture when we are given a “snap shot” of the lives of specific people in Scripture.  The book of Ruth is such an occasion.  After reading a rather depressing history of the children of Israel and their unfaithfulness throughout the period of the Judges; it is refreshing to find a story of faithfulness and a true demonstration of the fear of the Lord.  It is nice to know that during a time when most people were doing what was right in their own eyes there were at least a few people who were concerned with doing what was right in God’s eyes.  Just as in the days of Elisha, there was a remnant of people who had not bowed down to Baal; we see that in the days of the Judges there were people who followed the Lord and the Law He had established.  What takes us by surprise is the fact that the heroine of the story is actually not a descendant of Israel but was a woman from Moab who married into Israel.  This marriage was not within the scope of God’s Law and yet God in His grace demonstrates His ability to use even man’s sin to accomplish His eternal plan and illustrate His amazing grace.  It is a beautiful story that begins with tragedy, demonstrates faithfulness and ends with a grand demonstration of God’s sovereignty.

A STORY OF LOYALTY: The story of Ruth begins with a family from Israel fleeing from the oppression they were experiencing there to go live in the land of Moab.  This decision demonstrates the difficulties being experienced in Israel but is also a reflection on the leadership of Naomi’s husband Elimelech. The predictable result of this decision was that their sons both married Moabite women.  The text does not explicitly condemn these decisions but they certainly were contrary to God’s previous instructions and the fact that all three of the men in the family died demonstrates God’s displeasure.  Naomi was loyal and submissive to her husband, but once he was gone she made the choice to return to Israel.  She makes it clear to her daughter-in-laws that they are not expected to leave their homeland to follow her but Ruth demonstrates a determined loyalty to Naomi.  It is clear that despite Elimelech’s disobedience, Naomi’s life and testimony had a profound impact on Ruth.  God’s grace is on full display as well as His love for the nations as He calls this young Moabite woman to Himself and makes her one of His daughters.  There are consequences for sin but God’s grace always seems to find a way to overcome the sinfulness of man and accomplish His eternal purpose.  Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi, willingness to work and dedication to the Lord are all admirable qualities that every man should seek to find in a wife.

A STORY OF LOVE: Naomi sends Ruth into the fields to glean the leftover grain after the harvesters had gone over the filed.  The practice of leaving some grain in the fields as a means of helping the poor was required by God’s law.  It was a law that made provisions for the poor while still requiring the poor to work in order to eat.  In God’s sovereign provision Ruth works in the fields of Boaz and he takes note of this lovely young lady.  He takes steps to protect her as well as provide for her without any second intentions and it is also clear that he is a man who is living in obedience to the Law of God.  These are qualities that every young lady should seek for in their husbands.  Naomi recognizes the Ruth’s success in the fields is much greater than usual and makes inquiries as to what was happening.  She discovers that Boaz was a potential kinsman redeemer for the family and recognizes the hand of God at work.  She instructs Ruth to go to the threshing floor and make her needs as well as her desires known to Boaz.  Boaz responds like a gentleman, seeks to protect their reputation and immediately goes to work to gain the right to redeem the family’s property as well as preserve the family name through marriage to Ruth.  There are many cultural issues that we may not understand fully but one thing that we can clearly see is a love story that considers personal character above carnal pleasures.  Young people who are seeking marriage have much they can learn from this love story.

A STORY OF LINEAGE: Of the three women mentioned in the genealogy of Christ in the New Testament, Ruth is the last besides Mary.  Tamar and Rehab were the other two.  It is an amazing turn of events to see Ruth, a woman from Moab, who should have never been married to an Israeli man in the first place, become the great grandmother of David.  God has the ability to work in the lives of people in astounding ways.  He can even use our own sinfulness to accomplish His will.  That, by no means, should be considered as a license to sin; but it should be very evident to all of us that God’s grace certainly extends past our sinfulness.  Ruth is a shining example of God’s desire to see the nations restored to Himself as well as His ability to transform the lives and destinies of even the most unlikely candidates.  Naomi and Ruth were destitute widows who had little or no hope for the future.  God gave them a legacy that was recorded in Scripture as a clear testament to God’s grace, power and love.  No matter how difficult our circumstances become, there is always hope if we will trust the Lord.


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