Introduction to Ephesians

Paul writes the book of Ephesians from prison in order to remind the church of the basic doctrines and duties of the faith.  In many ways this book seems like an abridged version of Romans.  Of all the cities where Paul ministered, Ephesus was the place where Paul spent the most time.  It is also the place where he had an amazing impact on the people as well as the entire region.  Acts tells us that he spent two years teaching his disciples here and that he exercised great healing powers.  Many were healed by him personally and even cloths that were taken from him and given to sick people made many of them well.  This ministry was so effective and powerful that the entire region of Asia Minor heard the Gospel.  The city was the industrial center for the entire region which may explain why the Spirit of God originally prohibited Paul’s first attempts to go into Asia Minor in other locations.  It was also a very idolatrous city and the home of the temple of Diana.  The impact the Gospel had on the city was so great that the people who made idols were losing so much business that they created an uproar so as to try to get rid of Paul.  He has to flee the city but the leaders there continue to establish and grow the church that was eventually pastored by Timothy and the Apostle John.  This letter was sent to establish the faith of the believes in the city and the entire region as it was more than likely circulated among all the churches in that region of the world.  Paul had a powerful ministry here and he sends them a letter with a powerful message.

THE DOCTRINES OF SALVATION: Paul begins this letter with a beautiful description of how salvation was given to us by the sovereignty of the Father, the sacrifice of the Son and the sealing of the Spirit.  Paul is enamored by the Gospel as each and every one of us should be and he prays that the church might know the riches of their salvation and truly understand just how precious our faith really is.  Paul then defines the Gospel in clear and concise manner.  He presents the truth that we were all separated from God by our sin which is constantly being encouraged by the society, Satan and self.  However we are saved from the condemnation of sin by grace through faith in the work of Christ and not by our own works.  Genuine salvation will always produce good works but is not the result of the works of man.  This message of salvation is freely available to both Jews and Gentiles.  God has chosen to reconcile all of mankind to Himself in one united body called the church.  Because of Jesus we can have peace with God, experience the peace of God and live at peace with one another no matter our race or ethnic background.  All believers are placed into one body called the church.  Paul once again prays that his readers will understand their unified position in Christ as well as their supernatural power in Christ to live in the love and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

THE DUTIES OF SANCTIFICATION: Our doctrine should always impact our behavior and our behavior should always reflect our doctrine.  In light of our precious salvation Paul begins to tell us how we ought to walk.  Paul describes what the Christian life should look like.  Believers should have a unified walk.  We are members of the same body and should always be ready to serve, help and forgive one another.  Jews and Gentiles were not the easiest people to unite but that is exactly what Paul called them to do.  If they can do it we can do it.  We must learn to celebrate the diversity of culture in the body of Christ in a way the builds maturity and reflects unity.  Believers should have a pure walk.  God has called us from the darkness of the world to live lives of purity.  Purity should have an impact on the way that we live as well as the way that we talk.  God is in the process of saving us from the power of sin on our lives.  There are many habits and patterns of speech that need to be put off so that we can put on the righteousness of Christ and live for His glory.  Believers should have a wise walk.  The way that we use our time and our gifts is important to God.  Wisdom means living well which includes recognizing the various stages of our lives and accomplishing God’s priorities through them.  Our emotions and actions should be kept in check by the Spirit of God.  Believers should have a submissive walk.  Paul goes through the various roles of family and work relationships and demonstrates how each individual is supposed to submit to the other.  Women are to submit to the leadership of their husbands.  Men are to submit to their wives by loving and providing for them.  Children are to submit to their parents by obeying them.  Parents are to submit to their children by investing in their lives.  Workers are to submit to their employers by working diligently.  Employers are to submit to their employees by treating them with respect.  Finally believers should have a prayerful walk.  God has provided all that we need to have victory over sin, society and Satan.  However, we must make use of salvation, the Spirit of God, the Word of God and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  As we pray and practice our faith.  Our prayers should focus on the advance of the Gospel in our own lives and through our own lives to the nations of the world.


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