Introduction to 2 Timothy

2 Timothy is like the passing of a baton in a relay race.  This is Paul’s last letter and it was written from Rome during Paul’s second imprisonment.  Nero was on a rampage against the Christians and Paul was arrested as a part of this movement.  This imprisonment was far different from his first one when he was more or less under house arrest.  Now he is chained in a dungeon and has no hope of release.  He is convinced that his execution is at hand and he is ready to go the heaven.  However, before he goes he desperately wants to see Timothy again and writes this letter to urge him to come and see him at once.  The rest of Paul’s companions have either abandoned him for fear of persecution or have been dispatched by Paul to minister in other locations.  Paul seems to fear that Timothy may be allowing his timidity to get the best of him so he urges him to stand strong against the waves of persecution and the tides of apostasy that were battering the church that Paul loves so dearly.  This letter is a precious treasure for any minister of the Gospel and must have been a tremendous motivation to Timothy.  We don’t know if Timothy made it to Rome or if Timothy followed Paul’s instructions but I firmly believe that Timothy took the baton of the Gospel from Paul’s hands and ran faithfully with it until he passed it on to one of his disciples and that this process continues to this day when it was place in our hand and we too must pass it on to those who follow us.

PERSEVERE IN THE FACE OF PERSECUTION: The life of a missionary traveling the world with the Apostle Paul must have been adventuresome.  As a young man Timothy began to travel from city to city and country to country proclaiming the Gospel for the very first time.  People were getting saved and lives were being changed.  It was not an easy life by any means and there was always persecution but it was extremely rewarding.  As Timothy grew he was given more and more responsibility and the persecution began to intensify.  Nero’s genocide aimed at Christians was no joking matter and not very adventuresome at all.  The “reasonable” thing to do in light of this would have been to lay low for a while.  Paul is seems concerned that Timothy might be rationalizing in just this sort of way.  He urges Timothy to stir up his gifts and courageously step forward in the defense of his faith no matter what the cost.  Paul points to his own example and charges Timothy to follow in his footsteps.  Paul also points to some negative examples from the past and present that shirked their responsibilities and basically asks Timothy: “Is this what you want your legacy to be?”  Paul assures Timothy that he can depend on the Lord and then challenges him to continue to invest in the discipleship of men who will carry forward the message of the Gospel.  He points to the dedication of a soldier, the discipline of an athlete and the determination of a farmer as examples of the perseverance required.  Paul then reminds Timothy of the preciousness of the Gospel and the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf.  How can we be negligent or fearful in light of such great sacrifice and love that was demonstrated to us?  Besides trying to discourage us with persecution, Satan also tries to distract us with theological arguments that are secondary or not clearly revealed in Scripture.  Pride makes us want to think that we can understand everything about God.  This is not true so we end up arguing with fellow believers about unclear issues as opposed to proclaiming the Gospel and defending the clear doctrines of the faith.  If discouragement and distraction do not work Satan still strives to tempt us with plain old disobedience.  Paul urges Timothy to commit himself to being a man of honor and integrity that is dedicated to obedience and is constantly fleeing from temptation while pursuing the righteousness for which we have been saved.

PREACH THE WORD IN THE FACE OF APOSTASY: Unfortunately, Paul recognizes that Timothy is surrounded by people who are not following Christ.  Paul warns Timothy that he will be surrounded by people who are wicked and only live to please and pleasure themselves.  Apostasy and immorality always walk side by side.  In contrast to this Paul reminds Timothy of his own upbringing and the sound doctrine that he had been constantly taught from the time of his childhood in his home to the present day as one of Paul’s disciples.  The solution to apostasy is the inspired Word of God that has the authority to refute false teachings and the ability to transform fallen sinners.  In light of the current sinfulness in the culture and in light of the power of God’s Word; Paul charges Timothy to stand up and boldly proclaim the Word of God.  We have been given a powerful tool in God’s Word that must be preached.  God’s Word has supernatural authority and ability but it must be taught accurately and powerfully in order for it to have its desired effect.  This has been God’s method of reaching people from the very beginning as He used prophets to reveal God’s will and call people to repent.  He then used men to record His will in the Word that we are now called to proclaim.  Unfortunately, for many people the truth of God’s Word is unpalatable so they try to surround themselves with teachers who will make them feel good about themselves without confronting them with their sin.  Paul calls Timothy and each of us to follow in his footsteps as a bold proclaimer of God’s Word.  We must be willing to sacrifice our time, comfort, popularity and if needs be, even our lives for the cause of proclaiming the Word of God to people who desperately need to hear the truth. 


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