Luke 9.51-56 John 7.10

51 When the days were approaching for His ascension, He was determined to go to Jerusalem; 52 and He sent messengers on ahead of Him, and they went and entered a village of the Samaritans to make arrangements for Him. 53 But they did not receive Him, because He was traveling toward Jerusalem. 54 When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” 55 But He turned and rebuked them, [and said, “You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; 56 for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.”] And they went on to another village.
10 But when His brothers had gone up to the feast, then He Himself also went up, not publicly, but as if, in secret.

Jesus decided to attend the feast of booths after His brothers left, but He did so in a way that would not call attention to Himself.  However, His journey with the disciples was eventful and educational.  It is amazing how many different ways Jesus taught truths to His disciples.  This kind of instruction required spending large amounts of time together and a great deal of patience.  Jesus and His disciples faced a difficult circumstance on their way to the feast and Jesus takes full advantage of the opportunity to correct the disciples’ reactions as well as remind them of their mission.  Trial can easily distract us too so there are many good lessons to learn from this text.

A SAD REJECTION BY SAMARITANS: The disciples came into Samaria in order to make arrangements for Jesus and the rest of the people in the city.  We don’t know how long they planned to stay, but we do know that the Samaritans refused to host Jesus and His companions because they were on their way to Jerusalem.  This attitude reveled the ignorance of the people concerning Christ and their prejudice towards the Jews.  They lost a golden opportunity and it hurts to think of all who are lost all over the world because of false teachers or ignorance of the message of the Gospel.  Jesus loved these people even though they didn’t recognize Him for who He is.  We must patiently love others even when they reject us.   

A STRONG REBUKE OF THE DISCIPLES: When the disciples and specifically, James and John heard the news that they had not been accepted in the city; they ask Jesus if they call down fire from heaven to do away with these unbelievers.  Jesus, rebukes them and reminds them that the reason He came was to bring salvation so they simply moved on to another place.  John and James seem to be the disciples who had a quick temper, but the Lord expects better of them and warns them that is was not the Spirit of God who brought this suggestion to their minds.  Pride and hatred are a powerful combination for evil.  God wants us to love our enemies not call fire down upon those who do not realize what they are doing.

APPLICATION: Make sure that Jesus is fully welcome in every aspect of our lives.  Don’t allow prejudice to creep into our hearts and distract us from the mission God calls us to.  Love those who threaten us and be ready to serve those who treat us poorly.


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