Luke 14:12-14

12 And He also went on to say to the one who had invited Him, “When you give a luncheon or a dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, otherwise they may also invite you in return and that will be your repayment. 13 “But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”

Hospitality is an important part of our lives before God.  He wants us to use our homes as a place of ministry and service to others.  Too often we view our homes as a sort of refuge for ourselves instead of a tool for the Lord’s use.  Both Jesus and Paul talked about the importance of hosting.  In today’s text Jesus explains some principles we should keep in mind as we consider our ministry of hospitality.  Like everything in life, there are things we can do in a way that counts for eternity, or we can do them in a way that only has temporal consequences.  Today’s passage helps us understand how we can be hosts that count for eternity.

HOSTING THE RICH IS IMMEDIATELY REWARDED: When we form our guest lists for important event in our lives; we naturally think of friends, family and neighbors.  Those who are close to us and similar to us are the people we naturally gravitate towards.  Having a dinner party for these people comes very natural to us.  Jesus teaches His host that this practice is not necessarily sinful, but that it is not prudent because it will likely result in a reciprocal response in the form of an invitation from these guests for us to attend an event at their home.  This invitation is the immediate and only reward we will receive for following this natural tendency.  Jesus teaches that when we only do that which is natural and expected, our rewards will be experienced on earth.  Eternal rewards are reserved for doing that which is unnatural and demonstrates the work of God in our lives.

HOSTING THE POOR IS ETERNALLY REWARDED: Jesus suggests and alternative public we should prioritize when giving a special dinner.  He admonishes us to include the poor, crippled, lame and blind.  His reason for including these people is that they have no means of returning the favor.  Since they cannot return the favor, God promises to repay this act of kindness at the resurrection of the righteous.  The implication is that it is far better to be rewarded by God in eternity than it is to be repaid my men on the earth.  We may not feel comfortable serving these people, but God has not called us to be comfortable, He has called us to be obedient and live for eternity.  Since it is so easy for us to be motivated by immediate rewards, God calls us to do our best to eliminate any possibility of this kind of motivation.  We must not give in order to get; but give in order to serve others and please God.

APPLICATION: Make sure the motive for all we do is the glory of God and the well being of others and not our own glory.  Be intentional about getting involved in the lives of those who are poor, blind or lame.  Don’t allow our discomfort or desire for convenience rob us of eternal rewards.  Make eternity a priority over the present.


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