Matthew 21:1-11 Mark 11:1-10 Luke 19:29-38 John 12:12-19

The event we call the Triumphal Entry is recorded in all four of the Gospels.  It is a rather ironic event in that Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem to the accolades of a king.  The crowds gather in recognition of Him and it seems that they are ready to crown Him.  Little did they know that in a very brief period of time they would see Him crowned with thorns and that the crowd would now be calling for His crucifixion and not His coronation.  Our hearts can be just as inconsistent.  There are days when we feel close to God and rejoice in worshiping Him.  However, there are other days when the circumstances of life draw our hearts far from Him and we begin to live in doubt and question His love and goodness.   

THE PROVISION OF A COLT: As Jesus is approaching Jerusalem, He sends the disciples to get a colt for Him to ride as He enters Jerusalem.  Jesus knows exactly where the colt is.  He knows that the owners of the colt will willingly allow Him to use it.  The sovereignty of Jesus is clearly on display in this exchange.  This entry into Jerusalem had been prophesied in the Old Testament as to how Messiah would come.  Every prophecy that had been made in the Old Testament concerning Messiah, Jesus fulfilled perfectly.  There are no accidents with the Lord, He knows what is going to happen and is in complete control of the circumstances that surround each and every day.  If He knows were every colt is tied up, He knows where we are.  He is able to use us in ways we may not understand or see.  Despite knowing all these things, Jesus still uses the disciples to go and get the colt and the owners had the privilege of lending this colt to Messiah.  It should always be an honor for us to be able to serve the owner of the universe.

THE PROCLAMATION OF A KING: As Jesus approaches the city of Jerusalem, the people begin to lay down their coats in His pathway.  Some people cut down palm branches and laid them in front of the colt.  The crowd began to shout proclaiming Jesus as the Son of David and as having been sent by God.  This was the moment for which the nation had been waiting for generations.  The miracles Jesus had performed, the things He taught and now He entered Jerusalem on a colt; the were convinced that Jesus was the king who would free them from Roman oppression.  However, the religious leaders would have nothing to do with this recognition of Jesus as the Messiah.  They scolded the crown for crying out and they scolded Jesus for receiving their praise.  Jesus responds by telling them that the people had to cry out because this entire event had been prophesied and that if the people had not cried out, the rocks would have cried out in their place.  Jesus is the rightful king of the nation of Israel.  He is the descendant of David from both Joseph and Mary’s genealogy.  Jesus did not establish His kingdom at this time, because that was not what He came to do.  When Jesus did not free them, and the religious leaders began to criticize Him, questions were raised in their minds.  Soon, they would be calling “crucify him.”  There will come a day when Jesus will enter the city of Jerusalem riding on a white horse and He will vanquish every foe.  He will establish His kingdom and He will reign eternally.  It is vital that we all be ready for that day.

APPLICATION: Trust the Lord Jesus who fulfilled every prophecy concerning the coming of Messiah and knows everything that has or will happen in the universe.  Rejoice in being an instrument in His hands.  The acceptable response for recognizing Jesus is worship.  We should constantly have the praise of the Lord Jesus flowing from our lips.  Be prepared for that day when Jesus will, once again, ride into Jerusalem on a white horse to establish His eternal kingdom.


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