John 14:1-6
1 “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God,
believe also in Me. 2 “In
My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have
told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. 3 “If
I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself,
that where I am, there you may be also. 4 “And
you know the way where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are
going, how do we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the
life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
Jesus has given the disciples much information about which
they should be very troubled. He has
told them that He is going to be leaving and that they can no longer follow Him
to the place where He is going. He has
warned them that they will deny Him. He
has prepared them to go out into the world but told them that they will need a
sword. He has foretold His own
death. There is much troubling news that
Jesus has dropped on His disciples. He
now strives to comfort them in this time of difficulty. He is about to make statements of eternal
significance that provide earthly comfort.
Hope is very important, and Jesus reaches out to His disciples with a
message of great hope.
JESUS IS MAKING PREPARATIONS: Jesus lets His disciples know
that He is leaving and that they will not immediately be able to follow. He is going to His Father’s house. He then describes some things about the
Father’s house. First, it has many
dwelling places. There is no lack of
room in the Father’s house. Second, the
Father’s house is being prepared by Jesus for His followers. We don’t know what kinds of preparations are
being made. However, if it took Jesus
six days to create the world in which we live, and we compare that to the
thousands of years He has been preparing heaven; it is reasonable to conclude
that the place He is preparing will be spectacular. Finally, we learn that the Father’s house is
all about being with Jesus. As
spectacular as heaven must be, the greatest thing about heaven, will be being
with Jesus. We will be where He is. These truths should keep our hearts from
being troubled. However, they will only
be effective at comforting our hearts if we believe God and Jesus. Faith is the key to being comforted now and
being with Jesus for eternity in the Father’s house.
JESUS IS THE ONLY PROVISION: The only way to be able to get
to the Father’s house is through Jesus.
When He tells His disciples that they know the way to the Father’s
house, they are confused and don’t think that they do know the way. Thomas goes so far as to tell Him that they
don’t know where the Father’s house is, so there is no way they could know how
to get there. Jesus then makes three
statements about Himself. First, He is
the way. The only means by which men can
be reconciled to the Father is through faith in Jesus. Second, He is the truth. His message can be trusted because it is
true. Jesus has never misled anyone and
all that He has promised in true. Third,
His is life. We were all born dead in
our sin. Jesus gave us life through the
cross and resurrection. He gives us a
reason to live here on earth. He gives
us the promise of eternal life in heaven.
Our sin separates us from the Father.
Jesus came to reconcile us to the Father. He is the only way by which this can
happen. Those of us who know the Way,
Truth and Life are called to tell others so that they too may know and be reconciled
to the Father.
APPLICATION: No matter how difficult our circumstances on
earth might become, take great hope in the truth that Jesus is preparing a
place for us in the Father’s house. That
is, IF you have trusted in Him as the only way that you can be saved from your
sin and restored with the Father. Those
of us who have trusted Jesus know the way to the Father, so we must be faithful
to point others to Him because He is truth and life. Take great comfort in the truth of who He is
and what He is doing for us in the presence of the Father.
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