Matthew 27:62-66

62 Now on the next day, the day after the preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered together with Pilate, 63 and said, “Sir, we remember that when He was still alive that deceiver said, ‘After three days I am to rise again.’ 64 “Therefore, give orders for the grave to be made secure until the third day, otherwise His disciples may come and steal Him away and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead,’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.” 65 Pilate said to them, “You have a guard; go, make it as secure as you know how.” 66 And they went and made the grave secure, and along with the guard they set a seal on the stone.

This is one of the most significant passages in the resurrection narratives.  It is like watching a child trying to play chess with a grand master.  Every move that the Pharisees make thinking that they are taking care of a potential problem, God must have just been smiling and shaking His head.  Their plan was not only ineffective at preventing their worst fears, their plan only served the purposes of God more completely.  Men must learn the futility of trying to fight against an all-powerful God.

THE PHARISEES ARE AWARE OF THE RESURRECTION: There two things that are very revealing about the Pharisee’s speech to Pilate.  First was the fact that they knew about the promise Jesus made to rise again three days after He died.  The only place we see in Scripture where He promised this was when He was referring to the Temple, but the author makes clear that He was referring to His body.  Clearly, the Pharisees understood this promise clearly.  The second is that they called Jesus a deceiver.  Jesus had never said anything false.  He only contradicted the non-biblical teachings and interpretations of the Pharisees.  They were convinced that they were right, and He was wrong.  The fact that others believed Him indicated, in their minds, that He was a deceiver.  We all have that tendency to consider those who disagree with us as being wrong.  It is important that we understand our own limitations and live with humility.  Unfortunately, it seems the disciples had a hard time believing the truth of the resurrection as well.  The promise of the resurrection was clear.  Men just had a hard time believing it.  The promise of the return of Christ is also clear.  Men just have a hard time believing it or living in light of it.

THE PHARISEES ARE AFRAID OF THE REPERCUSSIONS: One of the most telling statements to the power of the resurrection is the statement the Pharisees make is when they claim that if His disciples steal His body and then claim ‘He has risen from the dead,’ that this deception will be worse than the first.  Since they are aware of the prophecy, they realize that if that were to take place, or even thought to have taken place, it would devastate their agenda.  They want so completely discredit Jesus as the Messiah.  They know that were Jesus to come back to life, it would be positive proof the Jesus was who He claimed to be.  The risen Christ is the most significant proof of the power of God and the authority of Jesus as Messiah.  This truth is what has brought many skeptics and even atheists to faith in Christ.  The power of resurrection has transformed the world as we know it.  The Pharisees thought that a lie about a resurrection would be a devastating result, and they were right, had it been a lie it would have been devastating.  However, Jesus did rise from the dead and the result has been magnificent as the nations have been given access to the Gospel of Jesus and been transformed by the power of the Spirit.

THE PHARISEES ARE AUTHORIZED FOR PROTECTION: Pilate authorized the Pharisees to make the tomb where Jesus was lain as safe as they could.  This precaution, meant to prevent a lie about the resurrection, only strengthens the truth of the resurrection.  They placed guards at the entrance to the tomb and placed a seal over the rock at the entrance that made it a criminal offense to break that seal.  This was an extreme measure for the grave of any person.  There is no way that the body of Jesus could be stolen by any man.  They must have entered the Sabbath very satisfied with all that had been accomplished.  Little did they know that their best efforts to eliminate Jesus and then protect the grave would be useless.  By the first day of the week, that grave would be empty and Jesus, the Messiah would be alive.  The plans and schemes of men can never thwart the will of God.  Any attempt we might make to impose our will on the will of God will be to no avail.  Our lives will go much better if we simply recognize who He is, worship Him and submit to His will in our lives.

APPLICATION: Live in light of the resurrection and the return of Jesus.  We can rest assured that all that God has promised will come true.  Understand that it is the resurrection of Jesus that distinguishes our faith from that of all other man centered religions.  When we share our faith with others, we must always give special attention to the resurrection of Jesus.  Don’t ever imagine that we can rebel or fight against God’s will.  He will accomplish His will no matter how rebellious we act or how powerful we or any nation may become.  Worship Him for His power, wisdom, grace and love.


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