Acts 1:9-11

Acts 1:9-11
After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.  “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
Confusion and hope seem to be regular companions of those who follow Jesus.  Confusion, because things regularly go differently then we anticipate they will.  Hope because God has given us promises that should give us assurance in the face of our confusion.  It is easy for us to have expectations that are based on our understanding or desires.  Those expectations are often frustrated by reality.  During those times, it is important for us to hang onto the hope that we have from the promises of God.  God’s plans are not always the same as our plans; but they are always better in light of eternity.  Trust and hope in the Lord, He is always right.

JESUS WAS RECEIVED INTO HEAVEN: Jesus was taken up into heaven right before the disciples’ eyes.  He had told them He would be going to prepare a place for them so they might have had some idea that something like this would happen.  However, I would imagine that they were very surprised and confused by what they witnessed.  Life with Jesus was full of surprises and miracles.  Prior to this moment, Enoch and Elijah had been taken into heaven, but this was a unique event.  The fact that Jesus was received into heaven should be a great comfort to all of us.  Since all our sin was placed on Him, the fact that He is welcomed into heaven demonstrates that His payment for sin satisfied the justice of the Father.  The resurrection was proof of that as well, but the ascension of Jesus as a man to a place of perfect communion with the Father is a source of great hope.  One day many believers will be raptured into the presence of the Father as well.  We should live in expectancy of that day.

JESUS WILL RETURN BACK TO EARTH: God is so gracious to provide clarity in the midst of confusing circumstances.  As the disciples stare up into the sky, God sends angels to bring the disciples back to reality.  There message is simple.  Stop standing here looking into the sky, Jesus is not returning to be with you now.  The implication is that this chapter in your history is closed.  Jesus had just told them that they were to wait for the Spirit to come and that they would then be witnesses of all they had seen to the nations.  However, the angels give the disciples an all-important message of hope.  The message is that Jesus is coming back to earth.  We do not know when, but we do know that He will return and that His second coming will be a glorious establishment of His kingdom.  The hope of Christ’s return should fan the flame of joy in our lives and promote the mission God has given us to accomplish.  No matter how difficult things may become or how slow progress many seem, the return of Christ is certain.  One day we will live in the presence of Jesus.   

APPLICATION: Know that just as Jesus was welcomed into heaven, all who trust Jesus for forgiveness of their sins will be welcomed into heaven as well.  No matter how difficult life on earth may become, the hope of heaven should be a constant source of comfort to us.  Life will include confusing twists and turns where our expectations are not met.  Trust the Lord during these times and obey His Word even when it doesn’t seem to make sense in our minds.  As we wait and watch for His return, we should be fully engaged with the mission He has left for us. 


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