Acts 2:25-32
Acts 2:25-32
For David says concerning
“‘I saw
the Lord always before me,
for he
is at my right hand that I may not be shaken;
my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced;
my flesh
also will dwell in hope.
you will not abandon my soul to Hades,
or let
your Holy One see corruption.
have made known to me the paths of life;
you will
make me full of gladness with your presence.’
“Brothers, I may say to
you with confidence about the patriarch David that he both died
and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. Being
therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him
that he would set one of his descendants on his throne, he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that he
was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are
The main theme of Peter’s message is the resurrection of
Jesus. The implication of that theme is
that Jesus is the Messiah. Peter’s first
argument was based on the works of Jesus.
Peter’s second argument is based on Scripture. Peter quotes Psalm 16 and then interprets the
Psalm as having been prophetic and applying to the son of David or Messiah. Peter wants them to know the Jesus was the
Messiah and that He had risen from the dead and that all of this was foretold
in the Scripture. When we believe that
Jesus was the Son of God, Messiah, and that He died for our sin, and was raised
again; there is a very definite result in our lives. This passage in Psalms lets us know what
those results should be.
look as if David was speaking of himself, and to a certain extent he was. However, the passage applies to Jesus in that
He was the first to experience the truths promised in this passage. Hope is an expectation of good things that is
based on the promises of God. No matter
what circumstances Jesus would have to endure, Jesus had the promise of reigning
at the right hand of the Father. He
lived in hope of the promise that even in death He would not be abandoned in
the grave. He knew that His body would
not see corruption. David had made these
statements about Messiah and they were all realities in Jesus. The hope of Jesus is our hope. He became a man so that His experience might
become our experience. All who believe
on Him can live with the same hope with which He lived. Death cannot keep us for just as Jesus was
resurrected, we will also be resurrected to eternal life. This assurance should bring us abiding hope in
all the trials we might face.
reasons given for the gladness and joy that David expresses in this Psalm. The first is that of steadfastness or the
inability to be shaken. The second is that God has revealed the paths of
life. The third is the presence of the
Lord. When you consider the three of
those together, we can see that our steadfastness comes from the knowledge of
God’s will, which comes from being in His presence. I think what he is saying is that even in
death I can stand firm, and even rejoice, because I know that God is in control
and that I will ultimately be with God forever.
The truth of the resurrection should build a sense of confidence and flood
our hearts with joy. No matter what
circumstances we might face, we know that our future is secure in the Lord.
it very clear that these passages could not be referring only to David because
David’s tomb was still inhabited.
However, the Son of God that was born of the house of David; had vacated
His tomb via the resurrection. It was
Jesus who did not see corruption and who was now alive. This was the truth to which all the disciples
were testifying. Jesus, the Son of God,
died and was raised again. Jesus had
commissioned the men to become witnesses of the resurrection and as soon as the
Spirit came upon them, they boldly proclaimed that message. The call of God on the followers of Jesus has
not changed. We too are commissioned to
be witnesses to the nations of the resurrection of Jesus.
APPLICATION: Don’t lose hope no matter how difficult life
may become, we can always have hope in the Lord. Rejoice in the truth that we have eternal
life as a promise of God as a result of the resurrection. Tell others about the resurrection. We are called to be His witnesses. As we have been blessed to know Christ, we
are to bless others by making Him known.
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