Acts 4:32-37

 Acts 4:32-37

Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common.  And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all.  There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold  and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.  Thus Joseph, who was also called by the apostles Barnabas (which means son of encouragement), a Levite, a native of Cyprus, sold a field that belonged to him and brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet.

The success of the early Church is undeniable.  They were up against impossible odds from a human perspective.  They were being persecuted from all sides and were seen as a threat to the established religious and political systems of their day.  Their greatest asset was being inhabited by the Holy Spirit.  He equipped them to live in such a way that they were used to revolutionize the world in which they lived in such a way that the effects of their faith are still felt around the world.

A PEOPLE OF COMMUNITY: Individualism is a value that is ingrained into the worldview of many people and cultures in the west.  We strive for autonomy and independence and define these traits as prerequisites for success.  This builds self-centeredness into the very fabric of our society and has a dramatic impact on all our relationships including our relationship with God and the Church.  It is easy for us to take a pragmatic approach to our view of God as we expect Him to provide for my needs and wants.  Demands and expectations of the Church are centered around how it fulfills or entertains us.  This is not how the Lord intends for His Body to function.  He has called us into a community of interdependence.  He is forming communities of people who love one another and find their fulfillment in serving one another.  We are united in Him and are expected to live in community where others are valued above self and community above the individual.  God is forming this community that will live in unity for eternity.

A POWERFUL TESTIMONY: The Holy Spirit empowered the disciples to give testimony to the resurrection of Jesus.  This is what they had been called to do and it is what they did.  These men who had been overcome by fear and focused on their own positions in the kingdom were now all about spreading the fame of Jesus.  The transformation in the lives of these men was a powerful thing because made a massive impact on all who heard.  However, this powerful testimony resulted in the grace of God resting upon all of them.  The power of the cross is the extension of grace.  It is a gracious gift to be able to follow Christ.  The resurrection was God’s grace extended to us and is the source of tremendous hope for all believers.  The Spirit continues to empower us to testify of the resurrection and use us as instruments of His grace.

A PRACTICE OF GENEROSITY: The needs of the entire Christian community were met and they were able to care for those in need because of the generosity of the new believers.  Properties were sold and the proceeds were given to the church in order to meet the needs of all. Specifically, Barnabas, who would later accompany Paul on his first missionary journey sold a property and brought the proceeds to the apostles for distribution.  There is an urgency in the congregation to spread the Gospel and to cooperate together for the good of the whole.  The practice to selling all was not something that was required but ended up happening spontaneously at this moment in history.  The fame of the church spread and caused many to come to Christ.  The heart that recognizes the greatness of riches received through Christ should always demonstrate both gratitude and generosity.  The needs of others will always be more important than our own comfort or accumulation of wealth.

APPLICATION: I need to evaluate my own individualistic worldview.  God has made us a community with one another, and I cannot please Him while living on my own and considering that my possessions belong to me alone.  Our purpose and goal should always be the advancement of the Gospel.  We must testify of Christ’s resurrection to those around us and give generously to meet the needs of the body so that those far from us can also hear.


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