Acts 8:4-8

                                                                     Acts 8:4-8

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Messiah there. When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said. For with shrieks, impure spirits came out of many, and many who were paralyzed or lame were healed.So there was great joy in that city.


The Gospel, according to the promise and command of Jesus was to spread to the Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.  This text demonstrates how it spreads to Samaria.  This is what the Lord wants to happen, and it is instructive to see how and what happened in this process.  We can observe the methodology of what Philip did and it is instructive as to what we should seek to do as the Lord moves us from place to place.


PROCLAIMED MESSIAH: The priority of a missionary effort is to proclaim the Gospel.  At the center of the Gospel is the Messiah.  Like the Jews, the Samaritans were waiting for Messiah to come.  They were awaiting a political Messiah that would come and free them from Roman oppression.  Jesus did not fit their expectations, but Phillip’s eyes had been opened to the reality that Messiah was so much more than another political figure who would bring freedom to a nation.  Philip proclaimed that Messiah was the Son of God who had come to bring freedom from sin to all nations.  This is the message we have all been called to proclaim.  People from all nations are to hear the Gospel that Jesus is the only way man can be saved from sin.  God sent Him to die in our place, pay the price of our sin, set us free from the bondage of sin and make us like Jesus.  We cannot be good enough to earn this salvation.  We cannot be bad enough to be disqualified from this salvation.  The only thing required of us is to trust in who Jesus is and what He has done for us.  We must simply admit that we need Jesus to be acceptable to God and want to be acceptable to God.


PERFOMED MIRACLES: Phillip healed the sick and delivered those who had unclean spirits from the demons that tormented them.  The power of God over the physical and spiritual problems that men face is a blessing and demonstrates His sovereign control over every aspect of our lives.  The Lord is our refuge and strength.  When the Gospel goes into new places there is almost always much sickness and more evidence of demonic activity.  Satan seeks to stomp out the image of God in the lives of men.  The Gospel restores the image of God in men.  As we go through life and seek to advance the Gospel to places on the earth that do not have access to the Gospel now, we are likely to face both physical and spiritual oppositions.  We can rest in the truth that God is in control and that He is able to deliver us and has promised to free us of all evil for eternity through the blood of Jesus.


PROMOTED MUCH JOY: The result of Phillip’s ministry of proclaiming the Gospel, healing and casting out demons was that there was great joy in the city.  The Gospel of Christ, when understood and believed will result in forgiveness of sin, reconciliation to God and abundant joy.  It is a wonderful message that sets man free from sin.  We are no longer condemned by our sin.  We are no longer enslaved to our sin.  We know that we will no longer practice sin in any form for all eternity.  This is a message of great hope and freedom.  It is a message of joy.  Unfortunately, not everyone or even every place that the Gospel is proclaimed receives or believes the Gospel.  Those who reject the Gospel are likely to be enraged by the message.  We are called to faithfully proclaim the message of the death and resurrection of Jesus no matter what the response might be.  However, as we proclaim the Gospel, it is important for us to demonstrate the joy of the Lord no matter how the message is received.  May the Lord fill us with joy as we spread the joyous message of Jesus to people around the world who desperately need it.


APPLICATION: God has called us to proclaim the Gospel, help those around us in the best way that we can and spread the joy of forgiveness to others.  Share Christ with others.  Serve people.  Do not fear the evil spirits that seek to attack and discourage the advance of the Gospel.  Rejoice in the Gospel and all it has accomplished on our behalf.


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