Acts 13:1-3

                                                                 Acts 13:1-3

Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.


The church at Antioch has already been a great example of what a church should be.  It was growing the evangelism and discipleship.  It was generous and known for the Christ like character of its members.  However, this passage takes the impressiveness of this church to new heights.  The become the first recorded church to be intentional about missions.  Up until this point the spreading of the Gospel had taken place mostly as a result of persecution.  The church in Antioch was founded by those fleeing persecution.  This text shows the church being more proactive about fulfilling the great commission and the results would change the world.  There are three characteristics about the church that are especially impressive to me. 


DIVERSITY: What is impressive about the group of elders in the church at Antioch is the diversity in the group.  They are from different regions and different races and even political backgrounds.  Manaen’s previous relationship with Herod is an interesting note.  The point is that the Gospel unites those that might otherwise never be united.  It changes the people look at the world and one another.  Diversity in unity should be a characteristic of every church and ministry.  This multi-cultural group of men were not focused on their particular distinctives.  They had been saved by the Lord Jesus, and He was not the united focus of their lives. When churches become divided it is because Christ has not been the focus of their intentions.  


SENSITIVITY: As this group of diverse leaders was praying and fasting, they showed great sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  He told them to separate Barnabas and Saul for the work of His calling.  This was a relatively young church that was certainly in need of stable leadership.  Yet, they were open to the Spirit’s leading to take the best, most dynamic, and most experienced leaders to go out from them to those who had not yet heard.  There is a tendency in churches to keep the best leaders home and send others out.  That is not how the Spirit led in Antioch and it is doubtful that He leads in a different manner in other places.  We must always be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading in our own lives as well as in the lives of the body where we serve.


AVAILABILITY: Perhaps one of the most important qualities for a believer to possess is availability.  Barnabas has already demonstrated this in his travels and willingness to go to Antioch and back and forth from Jerusalem as well as a trip to Tarsus to get Saul.  Now he is tapped along with Saul to leave the exciting ministry in Antioch to go out to the unreached cities and begin the spread of the Gospel in those places.  This was not going to be an easy or comfortable journey.  Both men a completely available to follow the Spirit’s guidance.  The church is available to send out it two strongest leaders.  Both the missionaries and the church were simply willing to trust the Spirit to provide for them.  As we follow Christ, there will be times when we don’t understand how everything will work out, but we can work and rest assured in the Spirit’s power and provision.


APPLICATION: We must be more intentional about promoting diversity in our churches and leadership teams. We may come from a multitude of backgrounds but in Christ we are on.  Be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit is calling us to do with our lives as well as throughout each moment of every day.  Be sure to spend time in prayer listening for the Lord’s leading in our lives.  Always be available for whatever the Lord calls us to do.  Be prepared to have flexibility and face hardship when obeying the Lord.


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