Acts 14:1-7

Acts 14:1-7

Now at Iconium they entered together into the Jewish synagogue and spoke in such a way that a great number of both Jews and Greeks believed. But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brothers. So they remained for a long time, speaking boldly for the Lord, who bore witness to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands. But the people of the city were divided; some sided with the Jews and some with the apostles. When an attempt was made by both Gentiles and Jews, with their rulers, to mistreat them and to stone them, they learned of it and fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and to the surrounding country, and there they continued to preach the gospel.


As Paul and Barnabas move forward to Iconium, a pattern in their ministry begins to emerge.  It is a pattern we have seen before, and one that will be seen in the future places where they go.  It is not necessarily a pattern that every missionary in every culture must follow.  However, there are principles that can be learned from this pattern that would be wise for missionaries, and really, everyone, to observe and learn from.   


EVANGELIZE EVERYONE: When Paul and Barnabas evangelized, they generally started in the Synagogue amongst the Jews.  However, they did not only go to the Jews.  It is evident from the passage that there were both Jewish and Greek believers who came to Christ as a result of their ministry.  Whenever we go to a people, it is tempting to focus on a certain type of people.  We generally gravitate to the people who are the most like us.  However, there are times where we can be more effective at reaching those who do not expect us to go to them, or those who are dramatically different from us.  No matter where we are or what our job description might be, we are all called to take the Gospel to everyone.  That may take us out of our comfort zone, but that is a very good place to be.


PERSEVERE IN PERSECUTION: While there were Jews who believed, there were also many who did not and took it upon themselves to stir up the city and tell lies about Paul and Barnabas.  It is a common thing for persecution to take place from those who reject the message of Christ.  It is hard to hear someone say that we are wrong in our beliefs.  When that happens, it is easy for them to lash back and bring discredit upon those who are causing this pain or embarrassment.  Persecution is unavoidable so perseverance is fundamental.  If we are going to take the Gospel to others we must expect opposition and commit to sticking it out for the glory of Christ and out of love for those who will believe.


DISCPLE THE DISCIPLES: Despite the persecution, they remained in the city and spoke boldly to all who would listen.  There are those who will not listen no matter how hard we try.  It is more productive to focus on those in whom the Spirit of God is working and therefore they are open to God’s Word and by His grace respond to it.  Paul and Barnabas continued to evangelize all, but they turn a special focus to serving and teaching those who have trusted Christ.  This is a ministry we call discipleship today.  Evangelism and discipleship must never be practiced to the exclusion of the other.  They must walk hand in hand or they are defective.


AVOID ASSASSINATION: When Paul found out that there was a threat on his life, he and Barnabas left town and moved on the next place.  Paul regularly had to flee for his life when he was on mission for the Lord. There is wisdom in doing all we can to protect our lives and doing so is not a lack of faith in God or quitting. We need to find a balance in these things between running away at the first sign of trouble and putting our lives at risk.  Certainly, it is a hard balance to find.


APPLICATION: We are called to advance the Gospel to everyone everywhere.  We can be strategic about the people we target for ministry but not discriminatory.  In the face of persecution, it is important to be perseverant.  Invest in those whom God has called to Himself through the work of His Spirit.  Protect life to the best of our ability. 


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