Acts 19:8-10

                                                                     Acts 19:8-10

And he entered the synagogue and for three months spoke boldly, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God. But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way before the congregation, he withdrew from them and took the disciples with him, reasoning daily in the hall of Tyrannus. This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.


This short passage records one of the most astounding and successful missionary efforts in history.  Paul had been prohibited by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel in Asia during his second missionary journey. However, this is the beginning of his third missionary journey and God uses his ministry in Ephesus to reach the entire region.  Clearly this was by God’s design.  It is interesting to the strategy Paul implemented in this place.


EVANGELISM AMONGST JEWS: As was Paul’s custom in every city, he started preaching in the Synagogues.  He had already been in this city for a brief visit and had been asked to stay longer.  He refused but promised to return and was now fulfilling this promise.  His ministry to the Jews in the Synagogue lasted for three months until some of the Jews began to speak evil of the Gospel and were stubborn in their unbelief.  He would not insist on continuing to preach to those who would not respond to the Gospel.  The Jews were an excellent resource for planting a church because they knew the Old Testament Scriptures and lived in accordance with the Law and were waiting for Messiah.  Those who believed on Christ would make faithful leaders for a new church plant.  However, there was also the danger of bringing on persecution from those who refused to consider that they had missed the coming of Messiah and we see Paul as a false teacher who needed to be silenced.  We must preach the Gospel strategically but without fear of potential consequences.


DISCIPLESHIP OF BELIVERS: As a response to the criticism Paul experienced in the synagogue, he decides to separate the believers and begins to teach them for a period of about two years.  This “school” is a place where believers could come together, discuss the Scriptures as well as be mentored by Paul and taught by an experienced student of God’s Word.  Clearly, this shift in strategy is intentional and instructive.  There comes a time when insisting with unbelievers who have rejected the Gospel is an exercise in futility.  The time and effort can be better put to use in helping new believers grow and become effective witnesses.  Evangelism and discipleship must always be properly balanced.  Effective discipleship will always result in more active evangelism. 


SPREADING THE GOSPEL: As a result of Paul’s focus on building up and discipling the new believers in a concentrated way, the Gospel spread through the entire region.  An area Paul had wanted to visit previously, but was prohibited, had now been reached because of the strategic place where Paul was based.  Since Ephesus was a major hub for market and commerce there were many people from all over the region who would come and go.  Those who would travel to the city would have an opportunity to hear the Gospel and then return to their homes with the message of transformation that only Christ can bring.  Believers from Ephesus who would travel to other places to do business would naturally and intentionally spread the Gospel as they went.  People from the city had family members and connections throughout the region so this was a natural place from which the Gospel could spread.  God calls us to be intentional about the spread of the Gospel though our family and business connections.


APPLICATION: We must be faithful to preach the Gospel no matter how people might respond to it.  When people reject the Gospel, it is not our responsibility so we should not be discouraged.  Discipleship of believers is the key to the multiplication process so we must always have people in our lives in whom we are investing.  The goal is that our disciples will make other disciples who will continue the process until our region of the world is reached.


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