Romans 2:6-11

                                                                 Romans 2:6-11

He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek.  For God shows no partiality.


Works demonstrate the realities of our lives and have eternal implications.  There is a danger that one could interpret this passage as teaching a salvation by works.  Instead, we should understand this text in the larger context of the entire book and teaching of Scripture.  Salvation is not by works but for works.  Our works reveal salvation, but we are not saved by works.  Our works are affected by salvation but are not effective as a means of earning salvation.


THE PROVISION FOR ETERNITY: There is a path that leads to eternal life.  That path is found in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for our sin.  However, that path is not found by those who are focused on themselves and the temporary, but those who want to live for something more.  We were created for the glory of God.  Our desire to fulfill that eternal purpose and seeking for that purpose will lead to eternal life for all who trust Christ.


THE PROBLEM OF INIQUITY: Those who continue in the path of their own sin or iniquity and are self-seeking instead of seeking after God, will be eternally condemned.  God’s wrath is set against sin and will bring us down the path of condemnation.  Every person is born on this path and there is nothing one must do to get on it.  It is the natural state of every single person.  The love of God is what everyone desires to focus upon but the wrath of God against sin is a reality that the holiness of God cannot change apart from faith in Christ.


THE PROMISE OF EQUALITY: There are no class, race, or familial differences that change God’s judgment of mankind.  The Jews are the nation through which God chose to bring Christ into the world.  They have received revelation in history that was a distinct advantage for them to be able to find Christ.  However, the fact that they are Jews does not automatically change their status before God.  They must still give an account before Him just like every person from every nation.  Just as every nation has the opportunity to seek God and find forgiveness through faith in Christ.


APPLICATION: Be a seeker of God’s glory and set your affections on that which is eternal.  Don’t allow the passing pleasures of the temporal world lead you down the path of sin.  Do what is right and avoid what is wrong.  Don’t trust in a family heritage or trading but in Christ alone for salvation.


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