Romans 12:1-2

                                                             Romans 12:1-2

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


What does God want me to do?  This is a question that Christians constantly ask throughout their lives.  There are situations where the answer is clear from Scripture.  However, there are other specific situations that are harder to discern.  In such cases, the principles of this passage can be very helpful as we seek to discern and follow God’s will.


SURRENDER YOUR BODY: Our bodies are either instruments in the hands of the Spirit to do God’s will or they are of the flesh to practice sin.  In light of the mercies of God and the glory of the Gospel, the only reasonable choice is to present our bodies to the Lord as a sacrifice for His service and glory.  This is to be a living sacrifice in that our lives are to reflect that we are surrendered to God and our members belong to Him.  If that is true than we will be holy in our actions and attitudes.  This is the worship that God desires from His children.  Worship is much more than praise through singing or going to a church service.  Worship is living our lives in surrender to the will of the Lord.


TRANSFORM YOUR MIND: As a rule, our bodies do what our minds tell it to.  Our minds are easily influenced by our surroundings.  We have the natural tendency to want to conform to the world in which we live.  God’s call for our lives is to set us free from the sinful world around us that we might walk in obedience to the Lord.  This transformation in life comes about as the result of having a renewed mind.  Our minds must be focused on the Word of God and prioritize the glory of God.  If we allow our thoughts to be influenced by the worldview around us, it will be difficult if not impossible for us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God.


EXPERIENCE GOD’S WILL: A renewed mind and a surrendered body are the keys to living according to God’s will.  His will is not a mystical ideal that is not revealed in Scripture.  His good, perfect and joy inducing will is found in submission to His Word and rejection of this fallen world and its practices.  The enemies of God try to convince us that happiness is found in the pleasures this world has to offer.  These pleasures are always circumstantial and temporary.  God’s will for us is joyful worship in fulfillment of the very reason for which we were created.  That joy is not dependent on circumstances and is eternal.  God desires that we experience the glories of His will that we might participate in His joy.


APPLICATION: Dedicate every member of our body to do that which is pleasing to the Lord.  The things we do, watch and think should be holy acts of worship of our Lord.  Don’t allow the standards of the world to influence and guide our lives.  Meditate on and be transformed by the teaching of God’s Word.  Don’t be distracted from eternal joy by passing pleasures.


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