Titus 3:1-2

Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.

As ministers of the Gospel, we are called to instruct our brothers and sisters in Christ as to how they are to live within this fallen world.  Paul gives a summary of the key exhortations that should mark that instruction.  They serve as a great reminder of the priorities we should all seek to build into our lives.

SUBMIT TO LEADERS: We often have very little control over the leaders that are over us.  Even in a democracy where we have the right to vote for our leaders, we find ourselves feeling like we are voting between the lesser of two evils.  We may not always like or prefer our political leaders, bosses, or even our pastors, but we are called to be submissive to them because they are established by God.  The Roman Empire was an oppressive and unjust regime that was intent on persecuting the church.  Yet, Paul reminds Titus of the importance of submission.  This is a vital part of our testimony before a lost world on behalf of our Lord.

SERVE OTHERS: God calls us to a life of obedience to Him that practices good works toward others.  We cannot love God without loving others.  As believers, our lives should be marked by sacrificial service for the Lord as we help the people around us.  If we want to impact the lives of others for the glory of God, we must be obedient to the Lord and prepared to do good works.  These works can never save us, but they are the clear demonstration of the salvation that the Lord has brought our way.  

SPEAK KINDLY: James teaches us that controlling our tongue is the most difficult job we will face in our Christian walk.  Since we naturally want to promote ourselves, one of the most common ways for us to do that is by tearing down other people.  This has no place in the life of a follower of Christ.  We are not to speak evil of others.  We are called to a life of gentleness, kindness, and courtesy.  Even when others mistreat us, and they will, we are called to live in a stark contrast to that type of life. 

APPLICATION: Respect the people God puts in authority over us.  Serve the people God places around us.  Speak well of and be kind to the people God allows us to influence.


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