Philemon 17-20

So if you consider me your partner, receive him as you would receive me.  If he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, charge that to my account.  I, Paul, write this with my own hand: I will repay it—to say nothing of your owing me even your own self.  Yes, brother, I want some benefit from you in the Lord. Refresh my heart in Christ.

Through the work of Christ in our lives we are being conformed to His image.  It is for that reason that our relationships with one another should mirror our relationship with Him.  The things that we have received from Him are the things we should demonstrate towards one another.  Paul illustrates in his relationship with Onesimus many on the most precious truths of the Gospel and the relationship that all who believe have with Jesus.

IN CHRIST WE HAVE RESTORATION: Sin breaks relationships.  Most importantly it breaks the relationship between God and man.  It also breaks our interpersonal relationships.  This is why we have so many broken families and so much conflict between people.  The relationship with God can only be restored through faith in Jesus Christ.  Once that relationship is restored, all other relationships can be restored.  When we place our faith in Christ, He provides a new standing before the Father.  We are reconciled because we are received in the righteousness of Christ.  Paul asks for Philemon to do a similar thing with Onesimus saying to receive Him as if he were me.

IN CHRIST WE HAVE REDEMPTION: All our sin has been paid by the blood of Jesus.  Paul’s instruction to put anything Onesimus owes on his account is the same thing that Jesus says to the Father about our sin.  All the sin and brokenness of our lives is to be placed on the account of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Onesimus likely left the home of Philemon with property that he no longer had and with no ability to repay him.  Philemon could have imprisoned him or forced him to work off his debt, but Paul is calling him to forgive the debt, take the loss, and any debt owed was to be charged to Paul.  Those who have been forgiven will forgive and are willing to intercede for the forgiveness of others.

IN CHRIST WE HAVE REFRESHMENT: Paul practices what we call inducement with Philemon.  He makes it virtually impossible for Philemon not to forgive.  Paul is not manipulating Philemon to do what he wants him to do.  He is motivating Philemon to do what is best for himself and for the kingdom.  The only benefit Paul will receive from this is refreshment in his heart for seeing two brothers in Christ restored as opposed to being at war with one another.  As believers, we are called to bring this kind of refreshment to one another and to help each other to become more like Jesus.

APPLICATION: Be thankful for the restoration, redemption, and refreshment we have in Christ.  Be willing to forgive personal offenses that came between us.  Help others to be able to find forgiveness in their own relationships as well.


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