Hebrews 6:9-12

Though we speak in this way, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things—things that belong to salvation.  For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.  And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

In light of the previous passage about the potential for counterfeit Christians, the author wants to assure the true believers that they are secure in Christ.  Satan not only wants to produce a false faith but he wants to instill in true believers a false fear.  Assurance that we are in the faith is important for every believer.  The author of Hebrews shares two reasons that demonstrate their faith is genuine.  This is clearly not an all-inclusive list, but it does give us some practices that provide assurance of salvation. 

SERVING THE SAINTS: Believers are part of a body that seeks to serve one another.  The hallmark of the Christian life is love.  We love God and we love one another.  That love overflows in practical ways onto one another as we go through life together as members of the body of Christ, the church.  In times of persecution, such as the original readers of this letter were facing, there are many needs to meet.  People were displaced from their homes and may need hospitality from a brother in Christ.  Some may have lost their means of employment and needed financial help.  Distributing food, caring for sick, encouraging the weary, exhorting the weak, and confronting the disobedient are some of the different ways that saints are called to serve one another.  God is faithful to reward His children for being faithful in their service for one another.  

FOLLOWING THE FAITHFUL: As in any family, there are members that are at different stages of maturity. There are mature believers as well as new believers that are just beginning their journey towards sanctification.  Those who are sincere in their faith will endure in their hope and follow those who are mature in their faith.  Christ set the ultimate standard of faithfulness.  Those who are true believers in Christ will seek to follow His example and the examples of those who have been following Christ effectively.  In times of persecution, this kind of obedience can be difficult and discouraging.  The results and rewards of following Christ are not usually immediately evident.  This can tempt the immature to be sluggish or become weary.  The mature believer will remain strong in their faith and persevere in times of tribulation.  As a result of this faithfulness, there are rewards promised from our Lord.  True believers will be active in the body and seek to grow together, learn from one another, and follow Christ.

APPLICATION: Seek to serve the needs of one another in the body of Christ.  Participate in the life of the local church staying informed of the needs and then working together to meet those needs.  Always seek to be a good example for newer believers to follow and consistently look to the example of the more mature and seek to follow their ways.


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