Hebrews 10:19-25

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.  Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

The author of Hebrews has been pointing to the superiority of Christ over every aspect of Judaism.  The reason he has been doing this is the intense persecution his readers have been facing.  They have been rejected by their Jewish friends and family for recognizing Christ as the Messiah.  They are also being persecuted by the Romans as a threat to the empire.  In many cases they have lost their homes, jobs, relationships, and must be questioning if it is worth all they are having to suffer.  The author of Hebrews is striving to demonstrate that Christ is worth it all and, in this passage, gives three instructions about how they can stand firm in the face of persecution and avoid apostacy.  There are three “let us” statements in the text that point us to the privileges and responsibilities we have as followers of Christ.

DRAW NEAR TO THE PERSON OF GOD IN FAITH: When the author speaks of having confidence to enter the holy places; we must realize how radical that sounded.  Only the high priest was allowed to enter that place and only once a year.  He always tied a rope on his foot before going in so if he sinned in the presence of God and was struck dead; his cadaver could be pulled out by that rope.  Through Christ, having been purified by His blood and having Him representing us in God’s presence, every believer can draw near to the Lord in faith.  We have been purified and cleansed both inside and outside by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.  All who have placed their faith exclusively on the death and resurrection of Christ as their only means of salvation, are welcomed into God’s presence.  We can worship, praise, give thanks, intercede, make supplication, confess, and cast all our cares upon Him because of what Christ has done for us.  Having access to the Creator and Sustainer of the universe is an amazing privilege that only believers have.  

DIG DEAP INTO THE PROMISES OF GOD IN HOPE: The promises of God should act as an anchor to our soul in times of difficulty and distress.  If we are to hold fast to the hope that is found in God’s promises; we must know what they are.  All that God has promised to those who believe can be found in the Scriptures. Unfortunately, many believers are either ignorant or fail to live in light of those promises because they are only focused on their immediate circumstances.  When we face persecution because of our faith; we desperately need hope and the assurance that God’s promises really are far superior to any of the pleasures this world might have to offer.  Obedience and following Christ may result in many losses in our present circumstances, but God’s promises are for abundant and eternal rewards.  We can trust the faithfulness of God and know that His promises are far more valuable than any comfort this world has to offer.  Digging into the Word of God so we can understand and be reminded of the glory of God’s promises is fundamental to being able to stand firm.

DIVE INTO THE PEOPLE OF GOD IN LOVE: Walking close to God and focusing on the promises of God are not habits that come naturally to fallen people.  We need the support and help of one another to be able to be faithful to the Lord.  Christianity is not an individual “sport” but a team “sport.”  We are members of a body that is only able to function with interdependence on one another.  We naturally look out for our own interests and needs.  This passage lets us know that, as believers, we need to be intentional about considering one another.  Mutual consideration is fundamental to the health of the church and each member of the church.  As brothers and sisters in Christ we are called to encourage and stimulate one another.  Love and good works do not come naturally to any of us; they must be “stirred up” or fanned into flame by our involvement with one another.  Silence and solitude are always fertile soil in which sin grows.  An isolated believer is always vulnerable.  We must build deep spiritual relationships with other believers and meet together regularly for the purpose of edification and encouragement.  The circumstances of this fallen world are not likely to improve as we draw closer to the return of our Lord.  We desperately need one another to be able to succeed in our walk with the Lord.  We cannot afford to sit on the fringes of the body of Christ but must dive into the church and grow together by helping, serving, and loving one another. 

APPLICATION: Pray on a regular basis to develop an intimacy with God so we can live in a constant recognition of being in His presence as we go through life.  Study the Word of God in an in-depth way so we can know and remember the promises of God and live according to His will as reveled in Scripture.  Get involved with a local church where we can serve and be served so we can edify and equip one another to love God and others in a way that helps us all become more like Christ and stand firm in a perverse and corrupt world.


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