Deuteronomy 10:1-22

It seems strange that people who were made by God would need to be convinced to obey Him, but that is just what Moses is trying to do with the children of Israel.  He rehearses for them the experiences that he had with God when he was on the mountain and then he reasons with the people that they should live in fear and obedience of the Lord.  It is important for us to realize that every single word that Moses tells the children of Israel can be very simply and easily applied to us.  Even though we did not see the tablets of stone or eat manna on a daily basis; we do have the recorded Word of God and experience the provision of God in a manner unequaled throughout the history of the world.

REVELATION FROM GOD DEMANDS OUR ATTENTION: God had taken the time to write the Ten Commandments on a tablet of stone for Moses to carry down to the people.  Moses crushed the original tablets when he came down from the mountain and found the people practicing idolatry with a golden calf and participating in all sorts of immorality.  God called Moses back up onto the mountain so that the stones could be transcribed again as a reminder of the importance of God’s law.  God has always made it a very clear point to have His law written down so that it will not be forgotten or altered.  The written Word of God is vital to the spiritual well being of all man-kind and every society.  Throughout history nations have fallen into spiritual and physical ruin because they have chosen to ignore the Word of God.  However, God has been gracious to send revival to these nations; this return to God invariably springs from a rediscovery of the Word of God.  We must always remember to keep the written Word of God before us as a constant reminder of His will in our lives.  If we pay close attention to God’s Word it will protect our hearts from the ways of this world that are constantly drawing us away from the truth.

REVERENCE FOR GOD IS DEMONSTRATED THROUGH ADORATION: Moses calls the children of Israel to simply fear the Lord and walk in His ways.  The life the God desires of us is not a complicated one; it is simple to understand and straight to the point.  We must live with a true reverence of the Lord and a burning desire to please Him.  This is best demonstrated by of life of obedience and submission to His will.  God has created us for His glory and with a unique ability to worship Him.  All of creation naturally performs the purpose for which it was created.  The only exception to that rule is man.  We are uniquely “gifted” with the ability to disobey and rebel against God.  This ability to disobey also uniquely qualifies us to glorify Him when we choose to obey.  His blessings, the glory of His person, His love and the fact that He created us are all obvious reasons that we should bow before Him is submission, worship and adoration.   


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