Numbers 35:1-34

There are a lot of details that go into organizing a nation and the laws that will rule the new nation.  This chapter provides insights into two details that were important for the nation to take into account.  The Levites needed a place to live and those who killed a person on accident needed a place to seek refuge.  God gave Moses clear instructions on these issues that provide basic principles that continue to communicate to us to this day.

PROVISION FOR THE LEVITES: The Levites would not get a specific portion of land as a tribe, but each tribe was responsible to provide cities in which the Levites could reside with pasture lands around that city that the Levites could use.  In this way the Levites would be spread throughout the entire nation.  They would be able to lead the people in worship and assure that the Law of God was represented in every nation.  The entire nation benefited from the ministry of the Levites so it was the responsibility of the entire nation to make provision for the Levites.  Those who minister the Word of God and lead God’s people in worship today continue to benefit the Body of Christ and therefore should enjoy the provision that the Body should provide for them.  God is faithful to care for His servants and desires that His people continue to contribute to and cooperate with this priority to this day.  We must all be faithful in this task.

PROTECTION FOR ACCIDENTAL DEATH: The law required that those who committed murder premeditated were to be put to death.  However, those who accidentally killed someone was able to flee to a city of refuge where he would be safe from the avenger of the death of the person.  A judgment needed to be made and if the person was judged to be innocent he had the right to protection.  He was required to stay there until the death of the high priest and then he could return to his city.  It was clear that the Lord places a very high value on life.  Blood was not to be shed and if a person was guilty of murder there was no other way to pay for that crime other than with the shedding of the blood of the murderer.  Capital punishment was obviously the means that the Lord established in Israel.  The principle that we must continue to keep in our minds is the high value of human life before God. 


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