Ezra 5:1-17

Perseverance is fundamental to the accomplishment of any task.  We often mistakenly think that the work of the Lord will go smoothly and be easy to accomplish.  The truth is that difficulty is a common companion of ministry.  The world in which we live is opposed to the work of the Lord.  Satan is diametrically opposed to purposes of God.  Unfortunately, our own sinful hearts are often set against the desires of our Lord.  We must come to expect suffering, persecution and discouragement in our service and then be determined by God’s grace to persevere.  The leaders of the people who returned to Judah had been deterred from their job due to the interference of the other surrounding nations.  However, they did not quit; after letting the dust settle, they started up construction once again.

THE PEOPLE WERE CONSISTENT IN THEIR DETERMINATION: The people had returned to Jerusalem with a clear mandate from the king and from God.  This was not a popular mandate with the other people of the region, but it was what God had sent them to do.  The enemies of God managed to be successful in deceiving the king of Persia into putting a stop to the work, but that was only temporary.  The people were determined to continue the work to which they had been called and started to build once again.  We must learn to expect opposition and consistently face it with a determination to be faithful to that which God has called us.  As long as we are convinced that this is the desire of the Lord, we should be determined to faithfully press on in perseverance.  Trials may come to test our resolve or even to form our character, but not matter how difficult things may become, we must never give up.

THE PEOPLE WERE CONFIDENT IN THEIR DEFENSE: Once again the leaders of the surrounding nations question the authority under which the people of Judah are building.  However, this time the leaders refuse to stop working until they get a response back from the king.  They send a clear message to the king defending their right to build under the declaration of the king and they are so confident in this defense that they refuse to stop working.  God has given us a clear mandate in Scripture as to what He would have us to do in this world.  We are to make disciples in very nation who will be “temples” of worship to the Lord.  We can always do this work with utmost confidence knowing that it is what God wants accomplished in the world.  People may doubt us, discourage us, distract us, deter us and even destroy us but we must confidently press on as long as God gives us breath.  It is His work; it is important work; it is eternal work and we must persevere! 


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