Ezra 8:1-36

There are times when we are called to face danger in the work that the Lord calls us to do.  How we face that danger is what demonstrates our level of trust in the Lord.  Ezra was given the task of leading another large group of the exiles back to Jerusalem and to carry back with them large amounts of gold, silver and the items that had been taken from the temple.  It was a long journey and it could have been a very dangerous one.  However, God protected them and they arrived safely at their destination and were able to complete their mission.  It is important that we do not allow our fears of potential danger to keep us from doing the work to which the Lord has called us.

EZRA’S PREPARATION OF THE PEOPLE: Ezra’s first task was to gather the group of people who were to return with him.  There were representatives from the different tribes, clans and families that were desirous of going.  However, when he gathered the people together, he noticed that he did not have anyone from the tribe of Levi that could help with the service in the temple.  Ezra sent for and was able to recruit the necessary men for the job.  Before they set out on their long and dangerous journey, they spent time in fasting and prayer requesting the Lord’s protection along the way.  Ezra could have asked the king for protection along the way from the army of the nation.  However, Ezra wanted to prove his dependence upon the Lord and faith in His ability protect them along the journey as well as provide for all of their needs.  No matter what circumstances we might face, we need to learn to trust the Lord and rest in His power.  Fasting and prayer are far more effective tools than any weapons man can make.

GOD’S PROVISION FOR THE PEOPLE:  Their journey was successful and Ezra along with his people arrived safely in the Land.  Shortly after their arrival the Levites who had been entrusted with the gold, silver and items from the temple weighed them out before the high priest.  Everything was accounted for and the people were able to celebrate the Lord’s provision of a safe return, the Lord’s provision of such riches from the king and the Lord’s provision of liberty to worship and make sacrifices to the Lord.  God’s hand was clearly on these people and they were rejoicing in their relationship with the Lord.  We must never get to the point where we take the Lord’s protection for granted and begin to think that we are somehow deserving of it.  The clearest demonstration of our recognition of our dependence upon Him is our worship of Him.


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