Esther 9:1-32

The Lord used Esther and Mordecai in the lives of the Jews who were under the authority of Persia to turn the fear into feasting.  There were three general communications sent out to the people of Persia: the first one was a letter of death, the second one was a letter of life and the third one was a letter of celebration.  The Lord had granted deliverance to the nation of Israel and they were authorized to defend themselves from those who would attack them.  However, they still had to gather together and fight against those who came out against them; but they were not fighting on their own because the Lord was with them and gave them victory all over the nation.  God is able to give us victory over those who would persecute the church today.  We can be assured that the Lord is still capable of turning fear into feasts.

THE JEWS DEFEATED THEIR ENEMIES THROUGH THE POWER OF GOD: On the day that Haman had cast lots to determine the day that the Jews were to be destroyed; many people from the Persian kingdom came out to destroy the Jews.  However, the Jews were prepared and authorized to defend themselves.  God gave them the power to be victorious over their enemies and the Jews were able to defeat their enemies in every corner of the kingdom.  The king authorized a second day of destruction in the capital and so all over the kingdom there were 75,000 Persians who hated the Jews that lost their lives.  God continues to defend and strengthen His people today.  When we face danger, threats and persecution we can trust the Lord for He is able to deliver.  The enemies of the Gospel may be numerous but the Lord is always able to defend His children if that is His will.  We can rest in that truth.

THE JEWS DELIGHTED IN THEIR VICTORY TO THE GLORY OF GOD: Once the battles were over and the Jews were still alive, Mordecai and Esther sent out a letter that called the children of Israel to celebrate with feasting the deliverance of the Lord from the enemies who had attacked them.  This feast of Purim was to be remembered every year as a feast of thanksgiving and remembrance of the provision of God in their lives.  God is pleased when we remember His blessings and He is honored when we give thanks to Him.  God has blessed us in so many ways; He has set us free from the power of sin and removed the curse of death from all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  We must delight in this deliverance and be grateful to Him for His abundant provision in our lives.


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