Job 12:1-25

Job responds once again to his friend’s accusations by proclaiming what he knows to be true about God as well.  I find it interesting that Job does not get into the game of revenge or striking out against these guys personally.  He uses a little sarcasm when he assures them that all the wisdom of the world would die with them, but he makes it clear that he too has an understanding about God and His dealings with men.  I think Job’s main point in this chapter is to simply point out that God is ultimately responsible for what happened.  Job points to God’s sovereign control over the universe and simply points out that God has the power to do whatever He wants with whomever He wants independently of what that person has done or the office that person occupies.  In essence Job is pointing out that God controls the affairs of man and not the other way around.  Man is not able to manipulate God and should not attempt to do so.  Job uses two basic arguments to prove his point.

GOD IS SOVEREIGN THROUGH CREATION: God has created the entire universe.  Nothing that exists came into being without His creative power.  He made everything and everyone for a specific purpose and every part has its function.  The ear hears because God made it do just that.  The tongue tastes because that is what God made it to do.  Job’s argument is very simple.  God’s creation does what it was created to do.  Job is God’s creation.  Job is suffering.  The conclusion of Job’s argument is clear: God made Job as an object of suffering.  Job’s logic is fairly sound, but fails to point out the love, grace and mercy of God.  God does use suffering, but He did not create us for the purpose of suffering.  He takes advantage of the consequences of sin to be able to illustrate the sinfulness of sin and to be able to demonstrate his own glory by way of contrast.  However, Job is absolutely correct in affirming that God is the creator of all and as such is sovereign over the entire universe.  He is responsible for us and we are responsible to Him not the other way around.

GOD IS SOVEREIGN THROUGH CONTROL: God did not merely create the universe, wind it up and let it go.  No, He remains firmly in control of all that happens with His creation.  He is in charge and has not delegated the direction of the universe to another.  He establishes all authority that is on the planet, but he never relinquishes His ultimate authority to anyone.  He will establish the human judge, priest or king and then by His control He will take them down.  Any position of authority that man may occupy is, at best, delegated and temporary.  God is ultimately in control and He does whatever He wants.  In this case, Job argues, God wants me to suffer so I am suffering.  Job’s friends are trying to point out that Job is responsible for his own suffering and Job is pointing out that God is the one at the controls.  Job’s logic says that if I am to blame for my present suffering than I am to be credited with my past blessings.  We must recognize that God is in control of the circumstances surrounding our lives.  He controls them according to His wisdom and determination to be glorified.  He lifts up and tears down according to His will and for His glory.  He controls us.  We do not control Him.  We must all come to grips with the reality of this profound truth. 


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