Psalm 36:1-12

We live in a world that is cursed by sin and inhabited by sinful men; however, while we live in this world we are under the care of the all mighty God who is loving and gracious towards us.  These two contrasting realities should give us cause for sober mindedness as well as bring us great comfort.  It is important that we remember both of these truths in order to maintain a proper balance in our lives. If we focus only on God’s love we will be easy prey for the evil men around us and we will be far more likely to fall into their traps or be overcome by temptation for which we are unprepared.  If we focus only on man’s sin we will become overwhelmed with anxiety and fear.  We must learn to live in this world as it is and not according to our wishful thinking.  One day we will be free from all evil and sin but that day is not yet upon us.  Until them we must strive to keep a proper balance in our minds.

THE REALITY OF EVIL MEN SHOULD WARN US: There are many people with whom we share this planet that have no fear of God within them.  Sin reigns unchecked in their hearts because they ignore God and pretend that He does not exist.  He lives as if he is responsible to no one but himself and has convinced himself that there are no consequences for his actions.  He speaks evil, spreads evil to others and has given up on pleasing God altogether.  He dreams of how he can delight himself in the sins of this world.  We all know that these people are in the world but sometimes we would rather just ignore this fact.  It is foolish to forget the reality of sin around us because it represents a very clear and present danger in our lives.  We must constantly warn ourselves about the sin that surrounds us so that we can avoid being overcome or surprised by it.

THE REALITY OF GOD’S LOVE SHOULD WARM US: In all honesty, we must admit that every one of our hearts are evil and but for the grace of God we would fit their description.  However, God is full of grace, love and mercy that is higher than the stars above us, greater than largest mountain and deeper than the sea.  He has saved us from sin and covered us with His everlasting love we can take refuge in Him like a young bird snuggled under the wings of its mother.  He abundantly provides every one of our needs from His endless supply.  He gives us hope of eternal life and illuminates our path so that we can bask in the joy of obedience to Him.  His love overcomes the vilest evil that this world has to offer and we can rejoice in that protection.  We must beware of evils presence but be warmed by God’s protection.


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