Psalm 38:1-22

There are grave and serious consequences for sin.  Satan would have us believe that sin is only pleasurable and that we will enjoy sin greatly.  The truth is that the pleasures of sin are only passing but the consequences of sin are not only torturous but also very long lasting.  Fortunately, there is a means of being released from the consequences of sin which is through repentance and confession of sin to God and faith in the work of Christ on the cross.  No matter how great our sin or heavy the consequences we face may seem, God stands ready to forgive us and deliver us from our sin.  However, we must constantly consider the consequences of sin so that we might be motivated to do all that we can to avoid them.

SIN BRINGS THE WRATH OF OUR FATHER: The greatest consequence that we face because of sin is that it places us under the wrath of our Father in heaven.  He hates sin and His wrath towards sin burns long and hot.  He turns away from sinners and will separate them from Him for all of eternity in the lake of fire that He has prepared for Satan and all who reject Christ.  David recognizes that all of the other consequences of sin stem from this one and he longs to be free from God’s wrath.  This is what should lead us to repentance and cause us to confess our sins before the Lord.  He is willing and ready to forgive sin because of Christ but those who reject Christ remain under the wrath of God.

SIN BRINGS WEAKNESS IN OUR FLESH: Sin causes great problems to our physical bodies.  There are many illnesses that are brought about or greatly complicated because of sin in our lives.  Our overall health in general will be greatly affected by our sin.  Some sinful activity causes damage to our bodies; however, the guilt that plagues our conscience when we sin is often the cause of such great stress in our lives that we end up with many health problems.  David speaks of his flesh and bones aching and having wounds on his body that fester with infection because of his sin.  There is great physical pain that is associated with sin and is brought on by the consequences of living in rebellion against God.  Satan promises pleasures when he tries to tempt us with sin.  We must remember that there is great pain as a consequence of sin.

SIN BRINGS WICKEDNESS FROM OUR FRIENDS: Our sin will not only hurt our relationship with God, but it will also have a very negative affect on our relationships with other people.  David’s closest friends and even members of his own family tuned on him as a consequence of sin.  Our enemies become emboldened by our sin and our friends become embarrassed by our sin.  The only solution is to wait on the Lord and confess our sin to Him.  He is able to restore our relationship with Him and with others.  We should not despair because of the wickedness of others nor should we defend ourselves to others.  Our focus must remain upon the Lord.  He will forgive and restore in response to our repentance and faith. 


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