Psalm 68:1-35

God is to be exalted and praise because of who He is as well as what He does.  He has demonstrated His greatness throughout the history of the World and He continues to do so even today.  Those who love Him, follow Him and trust Him will experience a true and lasting joy that can only be found in Him.  This joy produces praise and worship of the Lord.  However, not all men love the Lord.  There are many who hate God and stubbornly refuse to recognize His greatness.  They resent the Lord and will not submit to Him.  These wicked men demonstrate their hatred of God by attacking those who love and fear the Lord.  This is the reality in which we live.  We are constantly in the sights and under the attack of godless men.  But we are also constantly under the care of our glorious Lord who floods our hearts with joy and fills our mouths with praise.

WE PRAISE GOD FOR HIS PROTECTION: There are many enemies of God who always end up being the enemies of God’s people.  This reality can easily rob God’s children of the joy in which God intended us to live.  We must not focus on the existence of enemies; rather, we must reflect upon the protection of God.  Our enemies will be scattered and will eventually flee before the Lord.  They may make many boasts and threats but their words are powerless under the blessed protection of the Lord.  They will be driven away like smoke and melt away like wax before the flame.  Our fear of evil men should be replaced by a jubilant joy for the protection of God.

WE PRAISE GOD FOR HIS PROVISION: Our lives on this earth will always be accompanies by a certain amount of suffering because of the reality of sin that surrounds us.  There will always be children whose parents are taken from them by death and there will always be spouses who are left alone because of the death of their mates.  However, God makes special provision for the widows and orphans.  He is a Father to the fatherless and He meets the needs of the widow.  He provides shelter for the homeless, freedom to the imprisoned and punishment for the rebellious.  He provides abundance of rain of the crops of His children.  He provides victory over the attacks of kings so that the spoils of war can be divided by the women of God’s people.  We must learn to exalt the name of the Lord and be thankful for His faithful provision.

WE PRAISE GOD FOR HIS POWER: There is no power like the power of the Lord.  He is great and stands over the kings of the world with a power that is far greater than anything in the world.  The mountain of God is far greater than the mountains of men.  The chariots of God are more numerous than the chariots of men.  God takes the lands of the rebellious as His dwelling place and delivers His children with the might of His great power.  The heads of God’s enemies will be brought down so that dogs will lick their blood.  God’s victory parade will be filled with praise and adoration for the great demonstration of His power.  He will use this limitless power to defend His children and the temple where He is worshiped.  Those who think that they can overthrow the Lord are sorely mistaken and will end up being trampled under the mighty hand of God.  The kings of the earth will lift their voices in praise of the mighty power of God.


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