Psalm 76:1-12

God is great!  There is nobody who can stand against Him in battle and nobody who can stand before Him in judgment.  All of His foes will be vanquished and all of mankind we bow before Him when He judges the earth.  These truths must be constantly reviewed by every one of us if we hope to live in such a way that is pleasing to Him.  It is easy for us to be fearful of the power of men and to forget the reality of His coming judgment.  However, this is a grave mistake.  We must never allow the fear of man to control our lives and we must never lose sight of the fact that all of us will give an account to the Lord for our deeds as well as our motives.

GOD’S PROTECTION IS TO BE KNOWN: The works of the Lord should be loudly proclaimed for all to hear.  His protection and provision for His people should be broadcast to all of man-kind.  Israel was under constant attack by her enemies, but they were soundly defeated by the power of God.  God broke their arrows, removed their shield of protection and rendered all of their weapons useless.  Valiant warriors were left defenseless and without hope before the Lord.  Entire armies were left stunned and powerless because of God’s power and might.  These facts were to be proclaimed and celebrated by the children of Israel so that the entire nation would remember God’s protection and worship before Him.  Unfortunately, God’s wonderful works were quickly forgotten and the people ran after the idols of the nations that had been defeated.  We must not fall into this trap of forgetting the works of the Lord.  We must remind ourselves of all that He has done for us and in us and then proclaim His glorious name at that top of our lungs so that all might know of His glorious work.

GOD’S JUDGMENT IS TO BE FEARED: When God’s wrath is aroused all men will bow down in fear and trembling before Him.  There is no man who can stand before God.  His power and might are great and His judgments are complete.  Those who lived in fear and humility before the Lord will be saved and will experience the joy of worshiping the Lord in spirit and in truth.  However, those who rebelled against the Lord will experience His wrath no matter what position they held on earth or how much power they had.  Kings and princes will all fall before the Lord in fear and trembling.  It is far better for us to learn to live in fear of the Lord now than to wait until that day of judgment to experience the fear of the Lord.  We must live in obedience to Him and serve Him with all of our hearts.  He is to be praised and we are to live before Him with fear and joy.   


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