Isaiah 25:1-12

The history of this world is full of injustice and pain.  Sin has taken its toll on the inhabitants of the earth and the consequences are drastic.  Individuals who have no fear of God prosper and nations that have turned their backs of God reign over and destroy nations who fear the Lord.  There is no individual and no nations that has escaped the ravages on sin.  Even those individuals and nations that know God and seek to serve God suffer under the corruption of sin that too often becomes a part of their own personal experience.  This disobedience on the part of believers has brought on additional suffering and an appearance of even more injustice in the world.  There is a sense that things are out of control and that sin will win the day.  However, there is great promise in Scripture about the plans and purposes of God.  He has a far different plan in mind and we can be assured that there are far different times that lie ahead.

A TIME OF RESTORATION: There will be a time when God will restore the nation of Israel to her place of prominence in the world.  The pagan nations that have dominated her throughout history will be judged and their destruction will be great.  They have become proud and arrogant in their domination but they will be brought low by the judgment of God.  God’s children will rejoice and glorify Him in this time of restoration and the pagan nations will humble themselves before Him and join their voices in worshiping the Lord for His greatness and power.  No matter how bad things may get and how unjust this world may seem we must always remember that God is in control and that He does have a plan for restoring order to this world.  There will be a time when God will be worshiped and exalted for having restored His people and judged those who have rejected Him and lived in rebellion against Him.

A TIME OF REDEMPTION: When God restores He does far more than simply make the same as before; His plan is to make things far better.  When God chose the nation of Israel, He did so with the purpose of using them to demonstrate His love, power and holiness to the nations of the world.  His desire from the very beginning was to bless in order that Israel would be a blessing to others.  Unfortunately, Israel became proud, self-centered, exclusive and corrupt.  Instead of being an example to follow she became an object of God’s judgment.  However, this will not always be the case in the history of this nation.  God is going to redeem her and she will once again live in fear of Him.  God’s people will become a shining example of His grace, holiness and their hearts will be full of His love for the nations.  Blessings from God will flow through His people like waters invading the parched desert sands.  New spiritual life will sprout in the nations of the world and the result will be forgiveness and worship.  God’s children will be blessed and be a blessing to all the nations of the world.

A TIME OF RETRIBUTION: Those nations that have rebelled against God and refused to submit to His Word will find themselves suffering under the wrath of God.  Swift and complete retribution will take place as the unjust nations of the world will topple down and fall under the judgment of God.  The proud will be laid low and the cities of the proud will be turned to dust.  In today’s world we may experience injustice and suffer the consequences of sin.  But there are better days ahead when those who live in sin will suffer and order will be restored for the glory and praise of the Lord.


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