Isaiah 35:1-10

In a world marked by chaos, sin and the consequences of sin it is easy to think that things are out of control.  As believers, we can be assured that nothing is out of God’s control.  He is at work in the history of mankind and has a plan for being glorified by the inhabitants of the world He has created.  Isaiah has foretold the destruction of Israel as well as Assyria.  There are time of desolation and destruction in store for the land and all who live in the land, but the story does not end there.  God has a plan of hope for His children and the land.

GOD’S PLAN OF RESTORATION FOR THE PLACE: It is easy for us to lose hope when things go wrong or are not in accordance with our idea of how things should proceed.  It is clear from the previous chapters that there will be a time of great hopelessness in store for the children of Israel.  However, the story does not end in this way.  The land will be destroyed, desolation will cover the land but God has a plan of restoration for the place we call The Promised Land.  The dusty desert will be transformed into a productive garden.  There will be an abundance of water.  The wild animals and beasts will no longer dominate the land and cause all to fear.  The land will be described as peaceful and productive.  The transformation will be complete and cause all who see it to stand in awe of God’s greatness and power.

GOD’S PLAN OF REDEMPTION FOR THE PEOPLE: God’s focus in this world is on far more than just a piece of property.  He is all about the eternal souls of men.  God has a wonderful plan of redemption for His people.  Sin has taken a toll on the people that God has chosen to inherit the land.  They have become idolatrous and suffered the consequences of their rebellion in frightening ways.  They have been taken captive and seen many of their friends and family members slaughtered in the process.  However, the same highway of captivity on which they were drug into captivity will be transformed into a highway on which they will dance with delight in praise and worship to the Lord.  God is going to forgive the sins of His people and transform their hearts so they will delight in His salvation.  All the pain and suffering of the past will face away and they will walk with rejoicing into the perfectly restored Promised Land. 


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