John 3:22-30

Ministry can be a very strange thing in our lives.  We go into the work of the ministry to serve the Lord and others.  We hope that our lives can have a positive impact on the kingdom of God and draw others closer to the Lord.  It is a source of great joy when we see God using us to minister to others.  It can also begin to produce pride in our lives as we hear the praise of men and imagine how pleased God must be with our efforts.  In a very subtle and slow way ministry can begin to take the place of God.  When this happens we tend to get “stressed out,” there is very little joy and jealousy begins to wiggle its way into our minds.  Suddenly it seems that the ministry has become all about us and not about God and others.  Unfortunately, we see this happen far too often in ministries all around the world and even more unfortunately we see this begin to worm its way into our own hearts.  Satan has used success to destroy vibrant ministries by infecting the hearts of ministers with pride.  We must be alert and guard our hearts from this threat.  John the Baptist gives us a shining example of just how we must go about doing this.

COOPERATION IN MINISTRY IS DELIGHTFUL: As Jesus begins His ministry the number of people following Him begins to increase.  John is also continuing His ministry of calling people to repentance and pointing them to Christ in close proximity to one another.  Both of them are baptizing and there was “much water” in that region so they were making use of that resource.  Both ministries seem to be “thriving” and both are fulfilling the purpose for which they were intended.  This is how things should be.  There are many needs for many ministries and many varieties of ministries.  All of those ministries benefit when they recognize the value of one another, can pool their resources, pray for one another, encourage one another and even hold one another accountable.  Cooperation makes all involved more effective and multiplies the impact on all fronts.  Just like there was plenty of water to go around for both Jesus and John there are plenty of ministry opportunities for multiple churches and missions wherever we might be serving.  The growth of another ministry or the addition of another ministry in area of service should be an encouragement to us and not a threat.  We are a Body with man parts and those parts all benefit from cooperating with one another even when the parts are very different from one another.  My nose and my knee are very different but both are vital to the health and productivity of my body.  We need to look at the people who are ministering around us and see how we can most effectively cooperate with them.  We never know when they might need us or we might need them.  God’s work is in His hands and we do not know what the future holds.  I find it interesting that the text mentions that John would soon be put into prison.  We never know when our ministry will take a sudden turn due to drastic circumstances and then the cooperating ministry will become much more important than ever.

COMPARISON IN MINISTRY IS DANGEROUS: The people who are around John have a question about purification that came up with a Jew.  This is an understandable situation that makes sense for them to take to John.  We don’t know exactly what the question was about but it seems to be a legitimate issue.  However, the conversation takes an interesting turn.  Suddenly they are not talking about purification but about the fact that the crowd around Jesus seems to be growing at a faster rate than John’s ministry.  Statistics and numbers have their place but they can be very dangerous.  Too often they are used as a means of comparison.  When we start comparing ourselves to others we stray from the path of ministry into the path of marketing and business.  This activity has very little to do with promoting the kingdom of God and is usually a sing that we have started to promote our own kingdoms.  Pride and discouragement are powerful weapons in Satan’s hands.  Both of them are easily stimulated through the dangerous practice of comparison.  Bigger is not always better and sometimes less is more.  When people start making comments that stimulate comparison we need to be on the alert and recognize that we are entering a danger zone.

COMPETITION IN MINISTRY IS DESTRUCTIVE: John does not fall for the bait in this discussion and stands firm on his purpose of pointing others to Christ.  He clearly states that Jesus is the Christ and that His glory is the reason behind all that he is doing.  He calls Jesus the bridegroom and calls himself the groomsman.  The groomsman rejoices in the joy of his friend but does not become jealous of him.  John’s statement that He must increase and I must decrease is a beautiful summary of what the goal of every ministry and every minister should be.  None of us should be the least bit concerned with the size of the ministry in which we serve as long as the Lord Jesus Christ is being lifted up and His kingdom is increasing.  When we begin to compete with one another in ministry it is both distracting and destructive.  We begin to worry about getting bigger and better than the “competition” but what gets lost in all of the activity that surrounds this mess it the glory of God.  People become products that are used to pad statistics and exploit for the purpose of growth.  When this happens there is little or no ministry that is actually taking place.  The church or organization has simply become a self-sustaining machine that runs massive numbers in and out of its doors but there is very little transformation of lives taking place.  The structure is impressive and the leaders are powerful but are people being served and is God being lifted up?  The purpose of ministry is not to increase our influence but to point others to Christ.  We must never compete with one another or with God through ministry.

APPLICATION: Look at the other churches and ministries that are taking place around us and see how we can best encourage and help them to further the kingdom.  Avoid making comparisons between ministries.  Guard our hearts from the pride that Satan is working so hard to produce there.  Don’t be impressed with the size of our influence or discouraged by the lack thereof.  Serve God and others faithfully no matter how many or how few people might be around us.  Don’t allow the praise of men to become an idol in our lives. 


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