Matthew 8.2-4 Mark 1.40-45 Luke 5.12-16

Fame is something that most people dream about achieving but is a burden to those who have it.  The fame of Jesus was spreading throughout the nation as he traveled from city to city teaching and healing the people.  The crowds that were coming out to seek healing and hear Him teach were growing but this does not seem to be the goal that Jesus had.  He was glad to serve and teach the people but it seems that growing crowds began to be more of a hindrance than a help to His ministry.  Most of us would have had a tendency to define the success of our ministry by the size of the crowds.  Jesus is clearly not motivated by the numbers of people surrounding Him.  Jesus knows the hearts of the people in the crowds and He recognizes that the size of the crowd is not what is important.  They were flocking to Him in order to experience or witness miracles while He was much more interested in transforming their lives.  Today people continue to seek for entertainment and feeling better while God is far more interested in our worship and holiness.

JESUS CLEANSES A LEPER: As Jesus is traveling in the region of Galilee a man who is covered with leprosy comes and declares that he believes Jesus can heal him if He was willing.  This faith and desperation moves Jesus to compassion and He states that He is willing then touches the man and he is immediately cleansed.  Leprosy was a dreaded disease that was painful and usually fatal but also forced those who had it to live in isolation in order to keep the disease from spreading to others.  This man fell down before the Lord and pleads for Him to heal him.  This is a clear declaration of faith in the power of Jesus to heal as well as a recognition of his own dependence.  These two responses are what God continues to look for in the hearts of men.  We must come to the point in our lives when we recognize our sin and our own inability to resolve this problem.  We then must believe that Jesus is the only means through which we can be saved from our sin.  Jesus is our only solution to sin just as He was this man’s only hope for healing.  Jesus does something that must have taken the man by total surprise.  He reached out His hand and touched him.  It is likely that this man had not felt the touch of another human being in quite some time.  The leper was cleansed and must have been overwhelmed with relief and joy.  The Lord Jesus does wonderful things in the hearts and lives of those who believe in Him.

JESUS COMMANDS SILENCE: What Jesus does next kind of takes us by surprise.  He commands the man to keep silent about the miracle and simply go to the temple to present himself to the priest as Moses had commanded Lepers to do in the Law.  It seems strange to us the Jesus did not want others to know about this miracle.  We are commanded to tell others about Jesus while this man was commanded to keep silent.  There is no way to be sure about why Jesus requested anonymity, but is was more than likely because this kind of notoriety would only end up attracting more and more people who were just interested in His healings but not in His teachings.  Whatever the motives were; the man did not obey and began to spread the news to all with whom he came in contact.  When God does a work in our lives we should be quick to tell others how they too can find forgiveness in Jesus.  Our message must be a clear one of faith and forgiveness through the blood of Jesus.  Too often the message that is proclaimed today is one of health and happiness instead of hope and holiness.  Jesus does not want to attract large crowds that are just looking for comfort but have no desire to be set free from their sin. 

JESUS CONTINUES IN PRAYER:  The man could not keep silent about what had happened to him so the news of Christ’s ability and willingness to heal leprosy was spread far and wide.  As a result of this, Jesus was no longer able to go into the cities but stayed out in the wilderness areas where the people had to purposefully come out to seek Him out.  This location would accomplish two things: first, it would improve the quality of the crowd and second, it allowed Jesus to escape from the crowds more easily in order to go find a quiet place to pray.  We can clearly see that the relationship that Jesus had with the Father was far more important to Him than the size of His ministry on earth.  Too often the “success” of our ministries become more important to us than our walk with the Lord.  We must never allow that to happen in our hearts because it will only serve our own pride and make our hearts cold toward the Lord.  Those who neglect prayer and fellowship with God in order to promote their own ministries will inevitably end up losing both.  Our walk with God must be our first priority and our greatest passion in life.

APPLICATION: Trust in the power and grace of God to be able to meet all of our needs according to His will.  Seek to remove all forms of self-reliance from our lives in order to trust exclusively in the Lord for forgiveness.  Proclaim the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ instead of promoting self-improvement.  Do not allow the pursuit of happiness to outweigh our pursuit of holiness.  Make fellowship with the Lord our highest priority instead of the size of our ministries.


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