Matthew 14:24-33 Mark 6:47-52 John 6:16-21

Storms are a part of our lives as they are often used by God to teach us, transform us and help us learn to trust Him.  What started out as a day that the disciples thought was going to be spent resting of a retreat after a busy and productive time of ministry ended up being a day of intense ministry followed by a lonely and dangerous trip in the middle of the night on a stormy sea.  Perhaps their initial experience in ministry had gone so well that God felt it important to teach them a couple of vital lessons.  The first lesson was about God’s ability to provide for them by feeding five thousand people with very limited resources.  The second lesson was about God’s ability to protect them by sending Jesus to them walking on the water in the midst of a storm.  Learning to trust in the provision and protection of God is vital to serving the Lord effectively.  The first lesson had been effective so now it was time for lesson two.

THE DISCIPLES ARE STRANDED IN A STORM: While Jesus was off alone praying, the disciples found themselves alone in the middle of a storm.  Many of them were fishermen so had likely experienced many storms on this same body of water, but this storm had them straining and scared.  Worse yet, they were alone.  In a previous storm they had doubted that Jesus cared for them because He was sleeping in the middle of a storm.  But now, Jesus was not even there.  The feeling of loneliness or abandonment is often a part of our experience as we face the storms of life.  It often seems that just when we feel like we need God the most is when He seems to be the furthest away.  This often leads to fear and frustration but eventually it fortifies our faith.  No matter how silent God seems when we are in a storm; we must continue to trust and live in light of what we know to be true about God.  It may seem that God does not care or even know about our struggles but that is not true.  We must not allow doubt and discouragement to determine how we respond to adversity.

JESUS COMES TO THEM STROLLING ON THE SEA: In the middle of the storm the disciples see what they think is a ghost walking on the water.  At first it seemed like things were going from bad to worse on this nightmare of a night.  Then they realized it was Jesus as He called out to them and told them not to be afraid.  Almost all encounters with angels or God in Scripture begin with the words: “fear not.”  It seems like just when things become unbearable, the Lord always brings deliverance.  He has promised not to allow us to be tempted above the ability He provides to stand firm or find a way of escape.  His perception of that threshold is often very different from ours but is always much more accurate.  What we perceive to be utterly impossible is easily resolved because of God’s supernatural strength.  We must not transfer our limitations upon God.  At the moment when we feel like we are all alone in a terrible storm and being attacked by Satan; we need to remember that God is able to walk on water.  He will show up in our lives in the ways we least expect it but when He know we most need it.  

PETER LEARNS TO KEEP SEEING THE SAVIOR: When Peter realizes that it is Jesus walking on the water; He asks for permission from Jesus to go out and join Him.  Jesus tells Him to come on out and enjoy the experience of a life time.  Peter steps onto the sea and doesn’t sink.  The presence of Jesus gives Peter a boldness that takes us all by surprise.  In the middle of his walk, Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus and begins to worry about the wind and the waves.  He begins to sink into the water so he cries out to the Lord for help.  We, and perhaps the other disciples, have a tendency to criticize Peter for failing to keep his focus on the Lord; but the reality is that only Peter had the faith to step out of the boat in the first place.  It is better to try and fail than never to try at all.  Better still, is to step out in faith, stay focused on the Lord no matter how difficult things may become and then rejoice in the experience of walking in faith with God.  He can help us be victorious over any circumstance and give us the adventure of a lifetime along the way.

THE BOAT ARRIVES SAFE AND SOUND: Once Jesus and Peter arrive safely in the boat, they all arrive at their destination safe and sound.  It seems that this is yet another miracle where Jesus simply decides that the disciples have learned all they need to in the storm so the water calms down and the boat is suddenly on shore.  It is often amazing how the most complicated of circumstances can simply disappear when the Lord determines we have learned what we need to learn.  Just when we think that things are hopeless all is resolved.  There is no magic formula for these things and we usually don’t have any way of knowing how long the storms of life will last or how strong the may be.  What we do know is that God is in perfect control and He has perfect knowledge of how much we can handle and what He wants to teach us through this process.  We don’t need to understand or be able to explain God’s ways.  We are simply called to trust Him and learn to rest and rejoice in the midst of whatever storm might come our way.

APPLICATION: Don’t be surprised by the storms of life.  Don’t be deceived into thinking that we are alone when we face trials in our lives.  Trust in God’s supernatural power and keep focused on Him every step of the way.  Enjoy the adventure of walking with God through all that He allows to come our way.


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