Matthew 17.14-21 Mark 9.14-29 Luke 9.37-42

Daemon possession is a reality that Jesus was confronted with on a repeated basis.  It was also an issue that Jesus gave His disciples authority to deal with when He sent them out as ministers.  It continues to be an issue in the world today especially in areas, as of yet, unreached by the Gospel.  We certainly have more questions then we have answer about this problem.  Most believers in first world countries have never been personally confronted with this but those who are advancing the Gospel to places where it has never gone before are confronted with daemon possession much more often.  The Bible does not give us a manual as to how we should deal with this but we do see how Jesus confronted the problem and what He taught His disciples.  The principles learned from this confrontation can be helpful to us whether or not we ever face someone who is daemon possessed.

THE DESPERATION OF A FATHER: When Jesus and the three disciples come down from the mountain they are met by a large group of people who have come with a desperate father that is looking for help for his son.  This poor child had been tormented by a daemon from infancy.  The daemon attacks the boy on occasion causing him to convulse, foam at the mouth, fall on the ground and sometimes even throwing him into fire or water.  Picture if this was happening to your child or a member of your family and you will get a small taste of what this desperate father and his son were facing.  We have no idea why this daemon chose to torment this boy.  Sometimes when people are possessed by a daemon we can find that they participated in some sort of activity the left them open to daemonic influence or a relative dedicated them to Satan as a child.  However, there are other times when we simply don’t know why or how this kind of activity started.  We may not understand why daemons do what they do or how they choose their victims.  We do know that they are evil and cruel and are out to destroy human life in any way they can.  God created men in His image and gave them the ability and responsibility of worshiping Him.  Satan is out to destroy the image of God on the face of the earth.  He sends out his daemons to torture and even kill people.  He tries to infest the world with disease, poverty and misery so that people will die young and therefore have fewer bearers of the image of God on the planet.  However, that is not the only way Satan works.  He also uses the false idols of wealth, power, pleasure and comfort to distract people from worshiping God so they will worship these idols that our hearts so readily fabricate.  Satan uses destruction and distraction in order to create desperation in the hearts of men and keep them from the joy of worshiping and serving God as we were created to do.

THE DISAPPOINTMENT OF JESUS: When the man expresses that he brought his son to the disciples but they were not able to help him; Jesus responds in a surprisingly harsh manner.  He calls them an unbelieving and perverted generation and questions how long He will have to put up with them.  It seems that the disciples were fearful, intimidated and confused by the confrontation.  It could be that Jesus was disappointed by the way His disciples performed in this situation.  There were also religious leaders who were in the crowd and were arguing with the disciples about the whole situation and were likely saying that Jesus had no ability to deal with this situation.  It could be that Jesus was disappointed with the crown of faithless people who were once again gathering in order to see a healing but had no interest in worshiping Him as Messiah.  Whomever this disappointment was directed at, we know that what disappointed Him was the lack of faith and the perversion of the generation.  God wants people to trust and obey Him.  It really is as simple as that.  When we face difficult situations or when life is just going by at a normal pace God is glorified when we trust Him.  We demonstrate that we trust Him by not becoming anxious, angry or fearful about the circumstance of life.  We demonstrate that we trust Him by obeying His Word no matter what situation we are facing in life.  When we trust and obey God we will experience peace and joy and be able to face whatever crisis might come our way with confidence in His strength.  It is impossible to please God without faith.  If we are ever confronted by someone who has a daemon that is tormenting them; our first response must simply be to trust God and have faith in His ability to set the person free and enable us to know how to help.  Jesus cast the daemon out, returned the boy to his father and all was well.  He has the power to deal with the forces of darkness.  Whatever we do, we must not think that we are able in our own strength to set people free from sin or Satan.  Any authority we have comes from God and it is in His power that we can do anything.

THE DISCIPLINES OF A DISCIPLE: When the disciples asked Jesus why they were unable to cast out the daemon Jesus told them that is was because they had small faith.  It appears that the smallness of their faith was due to their lack of fasting and prayer.  In other words, it seems like our ability to be victorious over sin and Satan is proportional to the strength of our relationship with God.  As believers, we must absolutely learn the fact that we are dependent upon God.  Our strength comes from Him.  We simply must trust Him.  The way that we demonstrate our dependence on and trust in God is through prayer.  We pray because we recognize that He has what we don’t have.  We cannot save people from sin, be victorious over temptation or face the difficult circumstances of life in a way that honors God without His supernatural intervention.  That is why we pray.  We pray not because He needs us, but because we desperately need Him.  Fasting is another way that we deepen our relationship with God and remind ourselves of our dependence upon Him.  When we don’t eat, we have more time we can dedicate to prayer, reading of Scripture and reflection.  We also become physically weak when we don’t eat.  This is yet another reminder of the fact that we need Him and another way to declare of dependence on Him.  All of the success and joys that we will experience in the Christian life will come about as a result of a relationship and communion with God.  Prayer and fasting are two vital disciplines that promote dependence on and intimacy with God.  These are the keys of being able to deal with daemons or any issue we might face in life.   

APPLICATION: Our hearts should break over the misery that Satan inflicts on the world and our own lives through destruction and distraction.  We must do all we can to serve those who suffer under these realities and protect our own hearts from these dangers.  Trust God and obey Him in every circumstance that we face.  Pray and spend time fasting in order to build a life of dependency on God and grow in our intimacy with God.


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