Luke 12:49-53

49 “I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 “But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished! 51 “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; 52 for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. 53 “They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

The consequences of sin are far greater than any of us can imagine.  Since we have never known anything but living in sin, it is impossible for us to know just how wonderful life could be if there were no sin.  Think of all the economic benefits of a society without sin.  We would not need to spend money on security, illness or insurance.  Think of all the social benefits of living amongst a sinless people.  There would be no divorce, children would be respectful and obedient, no racial tensions would exist, and neighbors, strangers and co-workers would love one another.  However, nothing could be better than the spiritual benefits of a life without sin.  We would have unbroken fellowship with God and a far deeper knowledge of God.  Our motives, thoughts, words and actions would all be pure all the time.  It all sounds so wonderful, but it is not our reality.  It is our hope.  One day all who trust Christ will be forever set free from sin and all its consequences.  The story of redemption and reconciliation is what makes this promise possible.  As wonderful as it sounds, the path from sinfulness to sinlessness is far from easy.  It is a path wrought with suffering and pain for God and for mankind.

THE DISTRESS OF THE CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST: The Lord Jesus Christ is the Judge of sin and one day He will judge the earth with fire, do away with sin and reign over New Heavens and a New Earth for all eternity.  Jesus wished He could have judged at that very time.  However, He had to face the cross.  He had to take on Himself all the suffering of our sin on His body.  He had to experience the wrath and abandonment of the Father on His spirit.  The pain and torture He endured on every level is beyond our ability to comprehend and exceeds anything we have ever experienced.  This is what He had come to earth to accomplish.  He offered Himself out of love for and obedience to the Father and the Spirit.  He was motivated by His love for mankind and His desire to reconcile mankind to the Father.  However, it was very distressing for Him to have to face all of these things.  There was nothing easy about it, and He longed to be free of it.  But it was the only way by which salvation could occur.

THE DIVISION FROM CONVERSION TO CHRIST: Jesus is not the only one who suffers because of the consequences of sin.  All of us suffer under our own sin and we suffer at the hands of other sinners.  Because of sin our lives are full of division and conflict.  Jesus warns us that His coming to the earth was not going to be an immediate solution to this problem of division.  Instead, His coming would make things worse.  Family members would be divided because some would believe in Him while others would reject Him.  Spouses, siblings, parents, children, in-laws and extended family should be the greatest sources of delight in our lives.  However, because of sin they are often one of the greatest sources of sources of strife, discord and division.  Our life in Christ will make us joyful member of the body of Christ with who we will experience unity and love.  However, we are also likely to face suffering and rejection at the hands of those who do not believe; especially those that are members of our family.

APPLICATION: Recognize the seriousness of our sin and repent of any sin that lingers in our hearts.  Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for His sufferings on our behalf.  Do all we can to live in peace and harmony with unbelievers, but be prepared for conflict and division.  Look forward with delight at the wonderful day when we will be eternally free from sin.


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