Luke 12:54-59

54 And He was also saying to the crowds, “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘A shower is coming,’ and so it turns out. 55 “And when you see a south wind blowing, you say, ‘It will be a hot day,’ and it turns out that way. 56 “You hypocrites! You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyze this present time? 57 “And why do you not even on your own initiative judge what is right? 58 “For while you are going with your opponent to appear before the magistrate, on your way there make an effort to settle with him, so that he may not drag you before the judge, and the judge turn you over to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison. 59 “I say to you, you will not get out of there until you have paid the very last cent.”

Confusion is one of our greatest enemies.  We often confuse the priorities of life as well as our own reality.  The things that we get fixated upon are often very trivial in the eyes of God.  Our interpretations of our own circumstances are usually biased, and we have a hard time seeing things from the perspective of others.  Jesus alerts His hearers to this weakness and challenges them to look at life in a different way.  We all need to strive to see our priorities and our circumstances from God’s perspective and not our own.

LACK OF PRIORITY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IS IMPORTANT: Our fascination with the weather is understandable from one perspective, because it influences how we live our lives.  However, I often think that it is a distraction from that which is truly important.  When we don’t know what to talk about, we usually make a meaningless comment, usually in the form of a complaint, about the weather.  We try to predict the weather by any means possible and in modern society have an entire science dedicated to the predicting of weather.  In the case of storms these predictions can save lives, but most of the time it serves only to let us know the high and low temperature or if we need an umbrella.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to know this information, but Jesus says it is trivial in comparison with the knowledge of the coming judgment that God is bringing upon the earth.  We consider ourselves clever when we can predict a rain while we ignore that fire and brimstone are going to come crashing down to the earth and melt it with a fervent heat.  Do we spend more time watching the weather or talking about the weather than we do considering the implications of God’s impending judgment on the earth?  We need to align our priorities with eternity.

LACK OF HUMILITY TO RECOGNIZE OUR OWN GUILT: We all tend to think that we are just in our own eyes.  It is hard for us to imagine that we are guilty.  Jesus advises us to strive to settle our disputes without going before a judge.  When we are alone with a part that has a complaint against us, we have the opportunity to humble ourselves, attempt to explain ourselves, appeal to the person’s mercy and ask for forgiveness.  The other option is to insist in our own innocence and hope that the person does not have adequate proof of our guilt.  Once the situation goes before the judge, we no longer have the option of appealing or asking for forgiveness.  The judge must take the case on its merits and if we are found guilty we will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and be required to pay all the debt or the crime in full.  It is tempting to try to justify ourselves, but we must remember this comes from a proud heart that will usually lead us into deep trouble.  Learning humility is a key to our relationships and resolving any conflicts that may arise.  Our guilt is hard to recognize and even harder to openly admit, but doing so will save us heartache, conflict and may win us friends where we least expect it.

APPLICATION: Make sure that our thoughts and our conversations are centered on that which is eternally relevant.  Next time you find yourself talking to someone about the weather, also say something about what you are leaning from God’s Word.  Seek to resolve all conflicts with others in a timely fashion by evaluating your heart to see where you might be guilty of sin.  Repent, confess, make restitution and seek to restore the relationship as soon as possible.  


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