Acts 28:7-10

                                                         Acts 28:7-10

Now in the neighborhood of that place were lands belonging to the chief man of the island, named Publius, who received us and entertained us hospitably for three days. It happened that the father of Publius lay sick with fever and dysentery. And Paul visited him and prayed, and putting his hands on him, healed him. And when this had taken place, the rest of the people on the island who had diseases also came and were cured. They also honored us greatly, and when we were about to sail, they put on board whatever we needed.


The ship Paul was on was blown across the ocean completely out of the sailor’s control.  However, God was clearly controlling it and brought it near the island of Malta before destroying the ship and saving Paul and all the passengers.  This was not just random storm with a random result.  God was at work to provide for both the passengers and the inhabitants of an island that was in need of help and hope.


MALTA IS MARKED BY HOSPITALITY: Not only did the residents of the island receive Paul and the rest of the ship well, but the leading man of the island, Publius welcomed them into his home and hosted them for three days.  This is extreme generosity and an example of hospitality that we all should be willing to follow.  When there are strangers in distress that the Lord brings across our path, we should assume that the Lord is doing something important that we should not ignore.  Our homes should be places of blessing for the people God brings our way.  Our guests should see the love of Christ exemplified in our homes and hospitality.


MALTA IS MARKED BY HEALING: Publius was a blessing and ended up receiving a blessing in return.  His father was sick, which makes his hospitality even more impressive.  He could not have known that one of his guests was the Apostle Paul who was gifted by God to heal.  When Paul learns of the situation, he heals the man.  When word of this spread through the island, many other sick people were brought to Paul, and they too were healed.  When we are hospitable, the largest blessings are usually experienced by the host, not the guests.  It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.


MALTA IS MARKED BY HONORING: Once another ship was available, Paul and his companions were loaded on board, and they set off for Rome.  However, the entire island came out to honor Paul.  He had arrived as a misjudged criminal but was leaving as a hero.  God had orchestrated this shipwreck to bless this island.  We do not have any revelation about the spiritual ramifications of Paul’s time on Malta.  I am relatively certain that we will hear the testimonies of believers from that island who will point back to this encounter as a time when the placed their faith in Christ.  There is no greater honor than to be part of the spiritual birthing process of the children of God.


APPLICATION: Open your home to those God places around you especially if they are strangers who the Lord is clearly orchestrating an encounter.  Be prepared to be a blessing to those who are in need.  As a guest look for opportunities to serve and encourage your hosts.  Trust the Lord, share your faith and honor those God uses to help you grow in Christ.


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