Romans 1:16-17

                                                     Romans 1:16-17

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”


Paul gives us the reasons that he is not ashamed of the Gospel.  He has dedicated his life to the advance of the Gospel, and he is willing to suffer for the cause of the Gospel.  The book he is about to write is all about the Gospel.  It demonstrates our need of the Gospel: condemnation of all men.  It reveals the purpose of the Gospel: salvation.  It describes the result of the Gospel: sanctification.  It defends the doctrines of the Gospel: vindication.  It provides the instructions of the Gospel: exhortation.  There is certainly nothing to be ashamed of in the Gospel because it is the way God makes Himself known and available to man.


THE GOSPEL REFLECTS THE POWER OF GOD FOR ALL: The Gospel is and astounding demonstration of God’s power.  Through the Gospel He forgives sin and sets us free from the power of sin.  There are sins that enslave men for years and they feel powerless to gain victory over them.  However, in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and faith in the Gospel, we have been set free from sin and will be eternally victorious over every sin.  The consequence of sin is death, but the Gospel imparts eternal life to all who believe.  No matter what our nationality or economic status, the Gospel is available to all.


THE GOSPEL REVEALS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD TO ALL: God does not just wink at sin or grant forgiveness of the guilty without justice.  God’s righteousness is revealed in the Gospel because of the cross of Christ.  The death of Christ satisfies the justice of God while at the same time revealing the love of God.  His acceptance of sinners does not call His righteousness into question because he sacrificed His Son in our place.  The debt of sin has been fully pain in Christ.  The cross in a demonstration of God’s justice, holiness, and righteousness.


THE GOSPEL REQUARIES FAITH IN GOD OF ALL: The only means and the condition placed on us for experiencing the power of the Gospel and gaining the righteousness of Christ is faith.  Our spiritual life in Christ is always and only by faith.  When we trust in Christ for forgiveness and victory over sin, the righteousness of Christ becomes our own.  We cannot earn it.  We don’t deserve it.  We are graciously given salvation from sin through faith in Christ.  No matter what our background or religious heritage, the only requirement and the only means of salvation is faith.


APPLICATION: Trust in the power of Christ to set us free from sin.  Admire the righteousness of Christ that is just and holy.  Believe the Gospel of Christ to experience the grace of God’s forgiveness.


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